Broccoli Benefits for Patients with Acute and Chronic Gastritis

Who does not know with broccoli? Green vegetables resembling frizzy hair is indeed a favorite of most people. This vegetable in addition to delicious dishes to serve a variety of dishes, such as soup, stir fry, fried foods, etc., can also be used for a mix of other dishes such as savory snacks, and more. In addition to be used as food or food, broccoli can also be processed into a healthful beverage, such as juice. Besides having good taste and can be utilized as a variety of food, one of the charms of broccoli is to have an attractive appearance that would be tempting anyone who will eat them. Broccoli fresh green color is like an appetizing meal anyone who sees it.
Aside from the taste and appearance, broccoli is also preferred by many people because of the content of vitamins and other substances that are beneficial to health and beauty. Broccoli contains a variety of vitamins that are good for the body, so that when we eat broccoli then we will get the goodness goodness of broccoli for the health of our bodies. Various vitamin content owned broccoli is vitamin- vitamins needed by the body every day. Therefore we often see women serving vegetables to their food creations with one of his compositions in the form of broccoli. So, what is actually contained in the vegetable broccoli?
Broccoli Vegetable Ingredients
Vegetable broccoli is a nutritional content of vegetables that can be said to be very comprehensive. This broccoli vegetables contain a lot of vitamins can be beneficial for the body. The compounds contain vitamins and other substances contained in the vegetable broccoli, among others:
  • calorie
  • protein
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fat
  • Calcium
  • Potassium or potash
  • Phosphor
  • Iron
  • zinc
  • Magnesium
  • vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1 or Thiamin
  • Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B6 or Pyrodoxin
  • Vitamin B3 or Niacin
  • Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid
  • Vitamin B9 or folic
  • Vitamin C
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K
  • Fiber
  • Mangan
  • tryptophan
That variety of vitamins contained in broccoli that we can earn on each eat. Broccoli is also a kind of vegetables are low in calories, low in fat, and sodium. Broccoli is also free of saturated fats, high in calcium, and contains no cholesterol, so it is safe to consume for diabetics. Besides broccoli also an excellent source of fiber. Did you know that the fiber content in broccoli is even more than the fiber content in whole grain breads, and this fiber is very good for our digestion. This broccoli because they also contain high levels of folic acid, the broccoli is also very good for consumption by pregnant mothers. Then the content of vitamin C in broccoli is higher than the vitamin C contained in citrus fruit so it is good for the immune system. The impressive again, the calcium content owned broccoli is even equivalent to one glass of milk calcium so it is good for bone health, coupled with vitamin K filings.
That some of the content of substances and vitamins contained in the vegetable broccoli. A lot is not it? Since a lot of vitamins contained in vegetables broccoli, the vegetable is broccoli has many uses and benefits. So what are the benefits or benefits we can get when we eat vegetables broccoli?
Benefits of Vegetables Broccoli
Vegetable broccoli is a vegetable that contains many health benefits to the human body. In each we consume broccoli, then we will get kindness kindness. Generally. some of the benefits of vegetables broccoli, among others:
  • Lose weight
  • Preventing heart disease
  • Maintaining healthy eyes and skin
  • prevent constipation
  • Preventing cardiovascular disease
  • Controlling blood pressure
  • Maintain bone health
  • preventing depression
  • preventing cancer
  • Boost immunity
  • Reduce the production of stomach acid and prevent the onset of ulcer disease
sponsoredThat's some of the benefits that we get from eating vegetables broccoli. In addition to the benefits above, there are many benefits that can be obtained from broccoli. Of the various benefits owned by the vegetable broccoli, one of the benefits is to prevent ulcers. So what exactly are the benefits of broccoli for heartburn?
Benefits of Broccoli for Ulcer Patients
Broccoli is known as a vegetable that has efficacy in patients with ulcer disease. In Japan, experts in the country found that eating 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day within a period of two months to protect the human body from bacteria associated with stomach ulcer disease, gastric infection, and even stomach cancer. Sulforaphane in broccoli are also known to increase the production of enzymes in the liver FASI II. This type of enzyme capable of holding materials carcinogens produced from the compound prokarsinogen and take it out of the cell. The content of Sulforaphane in broccoli is capable of triggering enzyme in the stomach, thus providing protection against free radicals that can damage DNA and cause inflammation.
In addition to ulcer disease, broccoli can also treat other disorders of the stomach. Based on recent research more specific, stating that this broccoli reduce the risk of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders such as gastritis, gastric infections, and possibly the most dangerous is stomach cancer. Then, how to we get the benefits of broccoli, as already mentioned earlier? Whether by eating it directly or with certain ways?
Before starting to eat broccoli course, we need to know and choose which broccoli is consumed and which are not. Actually all the broccoli is good for consumption, but there is broccoli the most good for consumption, namely dark green broccoli and coarse-textured clear.
Then to enjoy broccoli we can enjoy it with a variety of ways. If we are people who love food that is fresh, then we can eat broccoli directly or with mencamprkannya with other vegetables as fresh vegetables, or could also make a salad. But if we do not like broccoli raw, we can also enjoy it in the form of fresh juice. Now that the benefits of broccoli for ulcer patients. From now try to eat broccoli to maintain the health of your stomach from ulcer disease.

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