3 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

3 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, kidney, heart disease and dementia. In Indonesia alone, according to data Riskesdas 2013 showed there was 25.8 percent of patients with hypertension and 60 percent of them were not aware of experience and 80 percent do not control blood pressure.

To lower high blood pressure there are some things you can do. There is also an easy way to consume yogurt start to move in the morning sun. Learn, launch pages Prevention, Monday (09/05/2016).

1. Consumption of low-fat yogurt and sugar

People who consume one to six servings of yogurt low in sugar and fat for 14 years, tend to be 31 percent have high blood pressure than those who did not eat yogurt.

2. Enjoy the morning sun rays

By enjoying the sun rays in the morning for 15 minutes 3 times a week can keep levels of vitamin D in the body. And it can lower blood pressure naturally.

In a study by a professor of cardiology at Emory University School of Medicine, Arshed Quyyumi by maintaining sufficient vitamin D levels, blood pressure may drop. "This is because Vitamin D keeps the arteries more relaxed and improve function," said Quyyumi.

3. Get together with friends

Who would have thought loneliness can raise blood pressure by five points, based on studies in 2010. So it's important for you to maintain social relationships as well as it is spoken of researchers from the University of Chicago, USA, Louise Hawkley, PhD.

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