Take note, 7 Signs and Symptoms of Stroke Frequently Ignored

Take note, 7 Signs and Symptoms of Stroke Frequently Ignored

Bahaya Stroke (Istimewa)
Stroke disease can not be ignored. It happened suddenly that often make sufferers often can not be saved.

According to the neurologist who is also Director of the National Center Hospital brain (RS PON), Dr. Murshid Bustami, Sp. S (K)., KIC., MARS, stroke occurs because there is a process that becomes a trigger such as an unhealthy lifestyle or family history.

If you have risk factors, do not ignore some of the signs and symptoms of stroke following:

1. Sudden weak the whole body

2. Sudden numbness or tingling the whole body

3. Sudden oblique face

4. Sudden disturbances of vision (visual)

5. Sudden speech disorders (slurred, can not talk or communication is not disconnected)

6. Suddenly unconscious (fainting)

7. Suddenly balance disorders (vertigo)

"The main stroke prevention strategy is to lower blood pressure, control blood sugar, quitting smoking, increasing physical activity, a diet low in salt and low in saturated fat and lose weight," he concluded.

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