Here Are The Cause Of Cavity, Risks & Treatment

Cavities are the most common dental disease is experienced by almost everyone in the world, so it is considered normal. In fact, if cavities are abandoned to severe, can eventually be fatal to health. Why dental problems that are considered trivial, can be fatal to your health? Because if not handled properly, cavities can lead to infection in the body tissues. These infections from bacteria in cavities that spread into other tissues. If its already inhabit the body tissues, then just wait for time to infect the other organs of your body.

Cavities can be overcome with proper treatment in accordance severity. Cavities is one sign of unhealthy teeth. The cause of cavities is plaque, the sticky substance in the mouth which largely created by their piles of germs or bacteria. Bacteria in the mouth can convert food into acids. If bacteria, food scraps are left, saliva, and acid in the mouth merge into one, be prepared to be the appearance of plaques. And the acid in the plaque, then can damage the protective enamel of teeth to create cavities. 

Cavities usually will not cause pain. However, if the holes in the teeth growing, affecting nerves, or cause broken teeth, it will cause pain. Cavities can also occur after consuming cold or hot food or beverages. In order for the pain of cavities not approached at any time, it is better immediately went to the dentist to cover and treat cavities.

Risks behind cavities

Oral health will have an impact on the health condition of the body and vice versa. Cavities if left unchecked can cause abscesses, are growing pockets of pus in gums. Gums that hurt was the gateway for bacteria in the mouth to enter the bloodstream. Arriving in the bloodstream, the bacteria can stick in platelets and can cause blood clots. Blood clotting can then interfere with blood flow to organs such as the heart and trigger a heart attack.

Impaired blood circulation can not only affect the health of the heart, infiltration of bacteria in the blood vessels, and arteries also can interfere with the blood supply and oxygen to the brain that can trigger a stroke. Pregnant women should also be careful, because the spread of bacteria in the bloodstream to be distributed throughout the body. This increases the risk of premature birth due to impaired fetal growth in the presence of the infection. Impaired fetal growth can also cause birth-weight babies is lower than average.

Cavities treatment

Typically, doctors will take action depending on how severe the condition of cavities, such as:
  • If the hole in the tooth is still in the beginning stage, or very small, fluoride may be used as a solution to help restore tooth enamel. You do this by rubbing fluoride-type liquid, foam, gel or varnish to the teeth for a few minutes. Of course, the content of fluoride in the treatment of more than ordinary toothpaste.

  • Doctors usually will patch decay cavities that have exceeded the initial stage. Teeth should be drilled to remove a part which had rotted. After that, the teeth will be patched using a substance such as silver, gold, composite resin or porcelain.

  • Crown. For more severe tooth decay or tooth brittle, the doctor is likely to make a crown to replace the entire natural tooth crown. Crown fake can be made of gold, porcelain, resin, porcelain fusion of metal, or other materials.

  • Root canal is needed when the decay reaches the inside of the tooth (pulp) or dead nerve. This treatment is done by removing the neural tissue, vascular tissue, and every rotten area at Once clean, dentists can do fillings or leave a crown, so the teeth do not need to be removed.

  • Tooth extraction. This procedure is done if the tooth decay was so severe, so can not be restored and must be discarded. An extracted tooth will leave spaces or gaps that allow other teeth to shift. Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to make a bridge or a dental implant to replace the extracted tooth.

Prevent cavities

Do you know if the plaque that cause cavities, began to form in the teeth within 20 minutes after a meal? If not cleaned immediately, it can lead to cavities. Although resolve the problem of tooth decay is now more convenient, steps to prevent tooth decay remains the wisest choice. Here are some actions to maintain healthy teeth that can be done.
  • A healthy diet: The cause of tooth decay, especially cavities are predominantly pile of sugar that is converted to acid by bacteria in the mouth. Therefore, reduce the consumption of foods and beverages that contain excess sugar. The more often you chew food and drink full of sugar, the more acid produced by bacteria. To keep cavities away, chewing gum containing xylitol can help. In addition to helping clean the teeth, chewing gum containing xylitol may reduce the development of bacteria that cause cavities.

  • Brush your teeth regularly: Brushing teeth twice a day must be done, so that remains of food in the mouth can be cleaned. Even if they can not do when you're done eating, gargle to reduce leftover food in the mouth. Use toothpaste that contains fluoride to prevent cavities. These compounds are also useful for remineralization, and makes teeth become more able to resist decay.

  • Multiply drinking water: One of the functions of saliva are, distribute fluoride to all parts of the tooth so that the risk of cavities increasingly minimal. In order for optimum saliva production, help with the drinking water consumed in moderation.

  • Visit your dentist: Visiting the dentist regularly is a wise step to keep you from dental problems. Consult with an expert is of course necessary to prevent things that are not desirable.

Have you taken precautions to minimize tooth decay? If so, you've been to minimize the risk of some frightening disease.

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