Gonorrhea Symptoms & Treatment

Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted disease and is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus. Men and women can contract the disease. Gonococcus bacteria normally found in the penis and vaginal fluid of an infected person. Bacterial disease, can strike the rectum, cervix (cervical), urethra (the urethra), eyes, and throat.

What is Gonorrhea?Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, which is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae that infects the inner lining of the urethra, cervix, rectum, throat, and the white part of the eye (conjunctiva). Gonorrhea can spread through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, especially the skin and joints. In women, gonorrhea can spread to the genital tract and infect the lining of the hip causing pelvic pain and reproductive problems. Gonorrhea is an infectious disease that attacks the lining epithelium (the top layer of a network). If not treated, the infection will spread to the deeper tissues. Usually form colonies in the mucosa, oropharynx, and anogenital.

Gonorrhea is most often transmitted through sexual intercourse, such as oral or anal sex, sex toys contaminated, or that are not coated with a new condom every use, and having sex without using a condom. But the baby can also be infected during birth if the mother suffered from gonorrhea and generally infect the baby's eyes. Gonorrhea bacteria can not survive outside the human body for a long time, that's why gonorrhea is not transmitted through toilet bowls, cutlery, sharing towels, pool, sharing glasses, kisses, and hugs.

Gonorrhea symptoms

Gonorrhea infection often causes no symptoms, but when symptoms occur, gonorrhea infection, can affect various organs of the body other than reproductive system. The incubation period or period of exposure to the bacteria until the symptoms appear, usually about 10 days, but this is not the same for each patient, and sometimes do not appear until many months.

One of the conditions that cause the disease untreated for some time is because about 10 percent of infected men and 50 percent of infected women have no symptoms at all. Symptoms of gonorrhea are often appears, in both men and women, among them the time of urination will feel pain or burning, and abnormal discharge is white, yellow, or green from the vagina or penis.

In addition there are also symptoms in men are rare, such as pain in the testicles, as well as inflammation or swelling of the foreskin. Some women may also experience symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding after sexual intercourse, lower abdominal pain, and bleeding between menstrual periods. Men and women can also be affected by an infection in the throat, rectum and eyes due to perform oral or anal sex.

Conjunctivitis can occur if the sperm or vaginal fluids of the infected eye. Eye infection can cause swelling, discharge from the eyes, irritation, and pain. While infection of the throat usually causes no symptoms.

Infection in the rectum can cause discharge, pain, and discomfort. Gonorrhea can also infect joints, and make the joints hurt when actuated, swollen, red, feels warm.

If gonorrhea is left alone and untreated, the infection will continue to grow and there is the possibility of serious complications, including fertility. So it is highly advisable to consult if you feel at risk of infection, even though no obvious symptoms, or the symptoms have disappeared by itself.

Gonorrhea infection from mother to baby
Symptoms in newborns can be seen from their eyes, and usually appears during the first two weeks. If their eyes red and swollen, and secrete a viscous fluid like pus. To prevent transmission from mother to baby, the mother could be taking antibiotics during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Gonorrhea diagnosis

The only way to know if you are exposed to gonorrhea or not, is to see a doctor. Do not delay to go to the doctor if you suspect that you or your partner have contracted gonorrhea or other sexually transmitted diseases. Usually advised to wait up to two weeks after having sex for the examination, but the examination can be carried out after several days of intercourse.

The risk of complications such as infection of the testicles, or pelvic inflammatory disease can be reduced by early diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. Much more difficult to treat complications arising from long-term infection, which is why immediately consult you. If you are experiencing conditions listed below, you are advised to consult a doctor.
  • Having other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • You, or your partner think have gonorrhea symptoms such as liquids are not as common on the genitals.
  • Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
  • The sexual partner has other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • You or your partner have intercourse without a condom with someone else.

Gonorrhea examination

There are several ways to check for gonorrhea, but the most widely used is, by taking a sample of fluid from the body of a suspected infection such as the genitals.

Examination of gonorrhea in men can also use a urine sample. Whereas examination of the woman always require samples of fluid from the vagina or cervix. This is because the examination of urine samples to check for gonorrhea in women are not very accurate.

Usually the doctor will recommend tests for other sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV because of gonorrhea increases the risk of other infections, including chlamydia, which often present with gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea treatment

Doctors usually will provide short-term antibiotics to treat gonorrhea. If you experience any of the conditions below, you should immediately do the treatment.
  • There are most likely to have gonorrhea, although the test results have not come out.
  • Your partner is known to suffer from gonorrhea.
  • Examination showed you suffer from gonorrhea.
It is important to check and treat your sexual partner, because gonorrhea can be transmitted easily through sexual intercourse. If one partner suffering from gonorrhea, most likely partner is also infected with gonorrhea.

For pregnant and nursing women, the treatment of gonorrhea can use antibiotics, because antibiotics are not bad for the baby. Usually antibiotics will also be given soon after the baby is born, the babies were infected with gonorrhea have no symptoms, or who have a high risk of infection because the mother suffered from gonorrhea. Treatment of gonorrhea are most often done by a single injection of antibiotics, which are usually in the thigh or buttocks, followed by one tablet antibiotics. If you do not want to be injected, it could be possible to replace it with another antibiotic tablets.

Usually, the symptoms of gonorrhea will subside after a few days of treatment, but it's a pain in the testicles or pelvic bone, it could take two weeks to disappear completely, as well as excessive bleeding during menstruation will improve in the next menstrual cycle.

To prevent transmission to others or re-infected, you and your spouse are not allowed to have sex until treatment is really complete. Further examination will be carried out two weeks after the first treatment to see if the infection has disappeared completely.

Treatment of gonorrhea that have worked before, does not make you immune to gonorrhea. You can still be re-infected if sex is not safe. Be sure to follow the doctor's advice. If you do not follow the recommended dosage, gonorrhea infection may not be cured. Immediately see a doctor if, after treatment, the symptoms do not get better.

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