Ladies, Immediately Consult A Doctor If Your Genital Having These 3 Things

Vaginal odor, vaginal discharge, may be a common problem that is often experienced by women. However, there are circumstances under which you should immediately consult with OBGYN about vaginal health. There are certain gynecological symptoms that need immediate attention. There are two main things to consider, said Michael Krychman, MD, director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship in Newport Beach, California, the severity of the pain and how fast it's growth.

Some vaginal discharge is absolutely normal, but if you see a significant difference in color, odor, or consistency, this could be a red flag. Dr Krychman said, women need to know their own cycle, so, when it began to change, this is an indication that something is wrong.

Dr. Krychman also shows that, it is difficult to diagnose what is causing the liquid becomes abnormal. More often than not, people make wrong judgments. They try to treat themselves, and end up with an infection.

Some possible causes of severe vaginal discharge is a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or an overgrowth of normal bacteria of the vagina, or- sexually transmitted bacterial infection. This condition must be treated immediately, because the infection can spread to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes in a few days or weeks, causing pelvic inflammatory disease and possible infertility.

Swollen and very itchy genital
These symptoms can be triggered by anything, including bubble bath, menopause, or fungal infection. On the other hand, you may have trichomoniasis or a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite. Sounds scary, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it can be cured with proper treatment. Only about 30% of people who have symptoms, however, the most common symptom in women is irritation, burning, redness, and pain.

Trichomoniasis can be diagnosed by laboratory tests and can be cured with a single dose of antibiotics. Make sure your partner will be checked out as well, so you avoid infecting each other. Trichomoniasis not only make sex more painful, but it can also cause problems during pregnancy and make you more susceptible to other sexually transmitted diseases.

Bleeding after intercourse
Up to 9% of premenopausal women, may experience post-coital bleeding or bleeding after sex that is not related to menstruation, according to the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology International in 2014. The good news is that for most women, this problem will disappear within 6 months , But, because of post-coital bleeding is also a common symptom of both cervical cancer and vaginal cancer, you need to be checked by a doctor.

There iss a painful lump in the genital
You need to contact the OBGYN, if you feel a lump in or around the vaginal lips. Fortunately, the majority of cysts are not so harmless and may not require treatment. But, if you have what is called a Bartholin cyst or an accumulation of pus in the glands that flank the genital, a condition that can develop a severe infection which can make it difficult to walk or sit. Soaking in warm water can help you feel better, but you need to get treatment, such as removal of the cyst through surgical procedures.

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