How to Get a Sexy Flat Stomach in a Month | Get Your Sexy Tummy Fast

                    How to Get a Sexy Flat Stomach in a Month

A sexy flat stomach is the ambition and envy of many women and men. It takes commitment and dedication to an exercise regimen and clean eating to achieve a flat tummy. Depending on your initial fitness level and weight, it is possible to get a flatter, toned belly in as little as one month. Aim to exercise five or six days of the week and eat a low-calorie, nutrient-rich diet to maximize results.

Move It To Lose It

How to Get a Sexy Flat Stomach in a MonthTo get a flat tummy, you will need to burn off any layers of extra fat hiding the abdominal muscles. Cardio exercise raises the heart rate which increases the metabolism and burns calories for weight-loss. Increase your cardio sessions to five times per week and aim for 45- to 60-minute sessions at a moderate intensity for weight-loss. Exercises such as running, swimming, cycling and hiking work the major muscle groups to boost caloric burn.

Get Ab-tastic

How to Get a Sexy Flat Stomach in a MonthAbdominal toning exercises will tone up the abdominal region for a sexy, sculpted look. Aim to do ab exercises four to five times per week and change up daily exercises to avoid boredom and target the rectus abdominis, obliques and deep transversus abdominis muscles. Choose five to eight exercises per session and complete three circuits back-to-back with a rest in between sets. A workout might include front planks, side planks, v-sit ups, reverse crunches, bicycle crunches, leg lifts and scissors. Do each exercise for a minute or until fatigue sets in.

Weight Matters

How to Get a Sexy Flat Stomach in a MonthAdd weight-training to your exercise routine to see results in your midsection. Weight-training tones the major muscle groups of the body which will define the arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs and abdominals for an overall lean, shapely physique. Do a strength session two to three days per week targeting the upper and lower body. Exercises such as squats, lunges, standing shoulder presses and medicine ball twists also work the core region by stabilizing you to stay upright and balanced. Choose eight to 10 exercises to do per session; complete 12 reps or until fatigue sets in for a total of two to three sets.

Lean & Green

How to Get a Sexy Flat Stomach in a MonthAll the exercise in the world won't help you achieve a slim stomach if you eat too much food and/or too much of the wrong fats. Clean up your diet by getting rid of high-fat, high-sugar processed foods and fill your plate instead with vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and healthy fats in moderation. Eat three meals a day and add one or two light snacks such as an apple with almond butter or a green smoothie if hungry.

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