Natural Ways to Eliminate Underarm Odor Or Centeng Odor

Natural Ways to Eliminate Underarm Odor Or Centeng Odor
How easily as well as naturally eliminate underarm odor - Have many bad Centeng odors in which are certainly very disturbing, especially if you often are, or often attend the event or gathering, in which certainly will make us less confident as well as will disturb the people around us. As a result, people are going away through us.

yet do you know where the source of our Centeng odor? Centeng odor comes through sweat we spend as well as usually centered on our armpits. Yes, the most pungent odor coming through the armpit. in which is actually because the location of the armpit in which is actually very difficult to get air circulation, consequently spend a lot of underarm sweat in which results in Centeng odor.

Centeng odor is actually normal because every person must have a Centeng odor, yet if you have bad Centeng odor as well as beyond normality, of course, in which is actually a serious problem. Well on in which occasion we will discuss how to cope with Centeng odor or underarm odor. Before we discuss how to cope with Centeng odor, let us first find out the cause of Centeng odor.
Natural Ways to Eliminate Underarm Odor Or Centeng Odor
Natural Ways to Eliminate Underarm Odor Or Centeng Odor

The cause of Centeng odor

The main cause of Centeng odor is actually the food we eat, there are some foods in which lead to our Centeng odor became overpowering. Here are some foods are known to trigger Centeng odor.

1. Garlic

Surely everyone knows if garlic is actually one food causes Centeng odor, additional than in which garlic also be different causes of bad breath. in which helps you to reduce the consumption of garlic.

Read more : 5 Benefits of Garlic for Skin

2. Meat

Who does not like to eat meat? yet do you know if your meat is actually also a cause of Centeng odor? According to the researchers, eating meat can trigger unpleasant Centeng odor, so you well reduce the consumption of meat.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol also causes Centeng odor. in which is actually caused by 10% of the alcohol content will be released through the sweat glands in which eventually led to the sweet-smelling odor. in which helps you avoid alcohol

How to cope with underarm odor or Centeng odor

There are many ways to cope with Centeng odor or underarm odor, there is actually the use of drugs there is actually also a natural way. today we will discuss in which time is actually how to eliminate Centeng odor naturally. Here's how to naturally eliminate Centeng odor.

1. Using a betel leaf

Betel leaf is actually known since the first as natural ingredients to eliminate odor. in which is actually very easy, in which you boil a few pieces of betel leaf, then you drink the water. You can also use boiled water betel leaves as the mixture for a shower.

2. Eliminate underarm odor with lemon

Lemon is actually a natural substance in which is actually very powerful to overcome all kinds of smell, the stench can be overcome with lemon, as well as underarm odor, you need not hesitate with the efficacy of lemon. in which is actually very easy, you take lemon juice as well as then apply on your armpits, or you can also mix in which with betel leaf or whiting for maximum results.

Read more : 5 Benefits of Lemon for Skin

3. White vinegar

White vinegar can also be use to solve your armpit odor. in which is actually very easy, you simply drops of white vinegar on a cotton as well as then apply on your underarms, you can also directly dripping white vinegar to your armpits as well as you flatten with hands.

Read more : Benefits of apple cider vinegar for health as well as beaut

4. Eliminate underarm odor with cucumber

Cucumbers are also powerful to overcome underarm odor. in which is actually very easy once you cut cucumbers to taste, then you rub on your arm for a few minutes. Thus underarm odor will disappear immediately.

Read more : Cucumber Mask benefits as well as how to Make

5. Ginger

Ginger is actually a spice in which has many benefits in health. Ginger can also overcome the problem of Centeng odor, you can just taking ginger every day, you can make ginger into drinks or ginger, by taking ginger every day you will be free of Centeng odor problem.

6. Consuming basil leaves

How to cope with Centeng odor next to consume leaves of basil. Basil leaves can be a solution to your Centeng odor. By consuming basil every day you will be free of unpleasant Centeng odor.

7. Clove

The next way is actually to use cloves. Cloves powerful enough to overcome the problem of Centeng odor. Soak clove boiled water, then use the soaking water to apply on your underarms or another source of the odor.

8. Water the roses

Water roses than beneficial for beauty, rose water is actually also very powerful to overcome the problem of Centeng odor especially underarm odor. in which's easy enough once you use the rose water in your armpit.

9. Porridge tomatoes

The next way is actually to use tomato pulp, is actually very easy once you prepare 2 tomatoes then you destroy up to be like mush. After in which you apply on your underarms, let stand a few minutes as well as rinse with water until clean.

Read more : 8 Benefits as well as How to Make Tomato Mask

How to prevent underarm odor

1. Always clean the Centeng as well as armpits

To get rid of underarm odor or Centeng, of course, you must be diligent in cleaning your Centeng, you have required a minimum of 2 times a day bath, scented methamphetamine use as well as do not forget to clean your armpits as well.

2. Using deodorant

The next way is actually to use a deodorant. Deodorant very powerful tool to counteract the Centeng odor. In addition to preventing Centeng odor, deodorant also prevents excessive sweating. Do not forget to use deodorant before you move.

3. Avoid foods in which cause Centeng odor

As described above, there are some foods in which the main cause of Centeng odor. Well, in which helps you avoid these foods to ensure in which you are free of Centeng odor.

4. Increase consumption of fruits as well as vegetables

Fruits as well as vegetables have many health benefits. Vitamins, nutrients, as well as water contained in fruit vegetables also can prevent Centeng odor. You can consume, bananas, apples, pears, oranges, melons as well as others.

5. Consuming water in sufficient

By consuming enough water, the water circulation from the Centeng will be smooth. Water will help produce sweat in which is actually odorless. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, apart through the elimination of your Centeng odor will also be protected through dehydration.

Such is actually the natural way to eliminate underarm odor as well as Centeng odor. Centeng odor is actually very disturbing. Hopefully, the above tips can help you to overcome the problem of underarm odor or Centeng odor. Thanks.
Natural Ways to Eliminate Underarm Odor Or Centeng Odor

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