Snoring May Linked To Dangerous Diseases Risk

Snoring is more commonly experienced by men, especially with weight above the ideal. Most people who are overweight tend to suffer from sleep apnea with its main features is snoring. Snoring is often regarded as a bad habit that is reasonable. But apparently snoring, which is one of the main symptoms of sleep apnea, may be associated with an increased risk of a dangerous condition. Some of the things that cause snoring among others, mouth and sinus anatomy, overweight (so the airways narrower), disorders of the nose (eg, nasal septal deviation), and several other causes.

Some people may have large tonsils can narrow the airway, causing snoring during sleep. Family history of snoring and consuming alcohol can also increase the risk of snoring. As people age, snoring could be worse. In certain cases, the study found that snoring can be linked to an increased risk of various conditions and diseases, namely:

1. Heart disease: Sleep apnea (characterized by snoring), has twice the risk of heart disease and heart attack than those who did not.

2. Stroke: The harder and longer snoring, then the risk of stroke is estimated to be higher. This statement refers to a study that found that the intensity of snoring was associated with the risk of carotid atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the arteries in the neck due to fatty deposits called plaque. Plaque is what can cause a stroke. Consult especially if you have other conditions such as high blood pressure or breathing stops during sleep.

3. Complications in the fetus: Although it is not yet clear, but studies have found that pregnant women who snore in the last trimester of pregnancy are more at risk for complications in the fetus.

4. Nocturia: The habit of snoring associated with a tendency to wake up at night, like a sleeper because of the urge to urinate more than twice at night.

5. Decreased sexual satisfaction: The more toned and more often someone snoring, it could cause an increasingly lower their sexual satisfaction. In addition, some people feel disturbed noise caused by snoring, making the couple had no desire to have sex.

6. Respiratory disorders: People who snore often at risk of developing a condition called sleep apnea. This condition can cause respiratory problems due to the closing of the airway. These events can occur more than 10 seconds during sleep.

7. GERD: People who snore and suffer from sleep apnea may also risk of suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) / gastric acid reflux disease as her throat closed when the air flow in and out of sleep. This condition causes changes in pressure that makes the contents of the stomach back up the esophagus.

8. Arrhythmias: In the long term, the risk of obstructive sleep apnea to heart and left atrial enlargement may affect the heart's electrical conduction. Thus, people who suffer from sleep apnea are at risk of atrial fibrillation and arrhythmias (heart rhythm disturbances).

9. Headache: The study revealed that there is a relationship between headaches in the morning with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea. People who snore and frequent headaches have lower quality of life than those who do not.

10. Injury: If the snoring condition to make sufferers feel tired, then there is a risk that people will fall asleep in moments of uncertainty, like when you're driving. It could be dangerous if the patient was driving alone.

Besides the possibility of risks above, snoring can also lead to other complications, such as difficulty concentrating, drowsiness during the day, and a tendency to aggressiveness.

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