Awesome! Some Research About Turmeric Benefits For Health

Besides being used as a food seasoning, turns turmeric has some amazing benefits for health. In every 100g of turmeric, there are 2 grams of protein, 9.1 grams carbohydrates, 2.7 grams fat, 24 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 78 milligrams and 3 milligrams of iron. Also in Turmeric is also contained as much as 0 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 0.03 milligrams and 1 milligram of vitamin C. The results obtained from conducted a study of 100 grams Turmeric, with the amount that can be eaten as much as 78%.

The study found that elderly who regularly consume contain turmeric capsules three times a day, have a better memory. In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition said the content of curcumin in turmeric is believed to block the beta amyloid protein. Amyloid beta is a protein that triggers the formation of plaques in the brain. The presence of plaques in the brain that causes Alzheimer's.

Researchers believe, turmeric can boost brain power and prevent memory decline in old age. They conclude, ate curry at least once a week to help prevent dementia. Research is also corroborating evidence, elderley who have a culture of eating curry as a staple food, have better cognitive function and a lower prevalence of the dementia. The problem is, curcumin is poorly absorbed in the intestine. Professor Alf Lindberg, a scientific director at Cambridge Nutraceuticals says, need additional other substances to aid the absorption of curcumin.

Dr Laura Phipps from Alzheimer's Research UK, said, there is no research to prove curcumin effective in preventing dementia. Although there has been some early stage research showing the effect of curcumin on brain health, but there is currently no convincing evidence that it can prevent or treat dementia.

Meanwhile, a recent study in Thailand showed that an extract from turmeric, known as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, may help prevent heart attacks in those who had undergone bypass surgery. During bypass surgery, the heart muscle can be damaged by lack of blood supply, thereby increasing the patient's risk of getting a heart attack. However, the new findings published in the American Journal of Cardiology, indicate that curcumin, can alleviate these risks when added to traditional medical therapy. However, research leader of Chiang Mai University, said the findings were doing still on a small scale and need to be confirmed in larger studies.

Should we consume turmeric supplements

Andrew Weil, MD, (founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and clinical professor of medicine at the University of Arizona), said that, the antioxidants in turmeric also may protect cells against certain types of cancer, the fight against Alzheimer's disease and help treat arthritis and depression. For the purpose of disease prevention, Andrew further recommend patients to cook with turmeric. Can be combined with black pepper to turmeric optimal absorption, or make a drink of turmeric, but not in the form of powder drink.

He also added, turmeric supplements should be consumed only for people who have health conditions such as abdominal pain disorders, depression, arthritis, memory loss. If you want to keep taking the supplement turmeric, she advised to consult a physician first, because turmeric supplements, and supplement with extract of black pepper or piperine, can interfere with the absorption of some prescription drugs.

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