Dry Eye Syndrom: Symptoms & Causes

Dry eye syndrome or keratoconjungtivitis sicca, is a disorder of the eye surface is characterized by instability of the production and function of the tear film. This syndrome occurs due to decreased production or increased tear evaporation. The prevalence increases with age, in adults the decade of 40s about 5%, increasing to 10-15% at the age above 65 years. The incidence of dry eye syndrome is more in women and tends to increase in accordance with increasing age. The rising rates of occurrence of dry eye syndrome, caused by an increase in life expectancy of the population, increased pollution, the use of certain drugs such as drug allergies and drug hypertension, increased contact lens users, and increased use of computers.

Dry eye symptoms and causes

Someone who experience dry eye syndrome will get symptoms, such as:
  • Red eye
  • puffy eyes
  • Eyes feel hot
  • Sore eyes
  • Eyes feel gritty and dry
  • Itchy eyes
  • Vision becomes sensitive to the sun
  • Temporary blurred vision improved when flashing
  • The presence of the thin mucus membranes around the eyes
  • Upper and lower eyelids sticking together when you wake up.
The severity of dry eye disease vary, ranging from mild to severe levels of pain or even accompanied by complications. In most cases, symptoms are felt relatively mild.

The cause of the disease, usually caused by the decline in, or disruption of tear production. It could also be triggered by several factors, including:
  • The age factor (most cases of eye disease occurs in the elderly).
  • Hormonal changes, such as when pregnant, when using the contraceptive pill, and when approaching the menopause.
  • Activities and practices that lead to reduced frequency of blinking eyes such as reading, working at the computer and write.
  • Certain diseases, such as blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, contact dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic conjunctivitis, Sjögren's syndrome, HIV, scleroderma, bell's palsy, and lupus
  • Injury to the eye
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Adverse events with contact lenses
  • Adverse effects on eye laser surgery (Lasik)
  • Side effects of medications (eg, antidepressants, diuretics, beta-blockers, and antihistamines)
  • Environment (eg, living in the highlands, or tropical dry, hot and windy).

Dry eye treatment

Before going to the doctor, you can try to treat dry eye, if the symptoms are still relatively mild. Use eye drops are sold freely in pharmacies that have efficacy for moisturizing eye or serve as a substitute for tears. If the treatment is done at home does not work, then consult a physician. By a doctor, you will usually be prescribed medications that can stimulate tear production or increase the amount of tears, as well as lowering the risk of damage to the cornea.

Natural dry eye treatment
Tired could be the cause of this disease by using eyes constantly staring at the computer screen. Relax for a while is very important to set back the moisture in the eye.

Eyes too much staring at a computer monitor would be tired, which usually causes dry eyes and itching. You can reduce dry eye to rest the eyes, can sleep for a moment to restore the tear fluid to moisten the eyes.

Eye wash
Dry eye syndrome occurs in because the eyes are not good in producing tears to moisten the eyes and cause dryness of the eyes, this can be minimized by wetting the eye. With cold water as often as possible. The eyes are often exposed to sunlight and is used to stare at the computer screen will easily dry up because tears may evaporate quickly, so try to always wet your eyes with cold water.

Apply a drop of rosewater
Rose water is a traditional herb that is very effective for moisturizing dry and itchy eyes. Use is usually done with tears in his eyes to cleanse and moisturize the eye.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Diets rich in omega 3 fatty acids can help heal dry eye syndrome. Enter a diet rich in fatty acids in your dish.

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