Here Are The Cause Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women, generally due to aging and hormonal changes. But also can be caused by a medical condition or because of disease. The impact is clearly visible, as they go through menopause. But the pattern of hair loss in women, usually only happens at the top of the head. The hair that grows is also thinner and shorter. If you are undergoing chemotherapy, hair loss will usually have an overall impact, including the scalp, face, and body. But most are not permanent and the hair usually grows back after a few months is no longer undergoing chemotherapy.

Some of the causes of hair loss in women

  • Menopause
    From some of the symptoms of menopause, hair loss is the most common symptom experienced.

  • Hormonal disorders
    If your thyroid is overactive or inactive, the hair will be affected. Usually the hair loss will stop after the thyroid disorder is resolved. Hair will fall out if there is disruption of hormones androgen and estrogen.

  • Emotional disorders
    Most women experience hair loss when faced with traumatic or emotional situations. Like a death in the family, divorce, and so on.

  • Pregnancy and childbirth
    Many women who experience temporary hair loss about 3 months after giving birth. This condition is also called telogen effluvium. The hair will return to normal a few months later.

  • Genetic factors
    Genetic factors are the biggest cause factor. Minoxidil is the only topical ingredient approved by the FDA to regrow hair in women. New York City Neil Sadick also stated that there is a red light laser treatments that can boost the amount of hair and increase the diameter of the hair shaft.

  • Drugs
    Several types of drugs have side effects that cause hair loss. However, these conditions will expire after treatment was stopped. The types of drugs that can cause hair loss include blood thinners, gout medication, chemotherapy drugs, too much vitamin A, contraceptives, and antidepressants.

  • Malnutrition
    A strict diet, it will also cause hair loss. Unfortunately restore to its natural diet, not enough to grow hair, although hair loss can be stopped.

  • Infection
    Some types of infection, such as fungal infections of the scalp, it will also cause hair loss in children. With the loss of antifungal drugs can be stopped.

  • Autoimmune diseases
    Among other diseases, lupus or diabetes is the leading cause of hair loss in women. Hair loss can also be a symptom of disease.

5 simple tips to overcome hair loss

Rosemary oil
The essential oils have antiseptic properties this one. He could help treat scaly scalp, dandruff, all these triggers hair loss. In the International Journal of Biotechnology said, rosemary oil has antibacterial and antioxidant that can stimulate the growth of new hair.

Hair mask made from eggs is a natural remedy for hair loss. It turned out the eggs can stimulate hair growth, because of the high protein content in it. How to apply is to mix one egg and one tablespoon of olive oil in a bowl. After washing the hair with shampoo, apply a mask and let the eggs for at least ten minutes. After absorption, rinse and wash hair with conditioner.

Jojoba oil
Jojoba oil is extracted from a type of shrub that used to grow in the desert. This oil can moisturize the hair follicles in the scalp, which can create new hair growth so much healthier and stronger. Not only that, jojoba oil also helps produce hair cells faster. Amazingly, this oil does not make the hair greasy after washing.

Aloe vera
In addition to jojoba, we can also use the aloe vera plant. Aloe vera is a home remedy that can nourish the hair cells. In fact, it could make more healthy hair growth. Aloe vera works by cleaning the sebum, the oil that clog follicles and prevent new hair grows back. To get maximum results, massage the pure aloe gel, directly along the scalp. Can also use a shampoo that contains aloe vera for hair loss.

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