Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Dubin-Johnson syndrome will be a rare liver disorder characterized by mild jaundice throughout life. Jaundice, which will be caused by an incomplete metabolism of bilirubin, may not appear until puberty or adulthood. This particular condition will be aggravated by alcohol, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, infections in addition to various other environmental factors.

Most people affected with This particular condition do not require treatment; however, high levels of bilirubin within the blood may cause damage to the brain in addition to various other organs. In such situations, Ayurvedic medicines can be given to improve the liver metabolism, reduce bilirubin levels in addition to prevent long term complications. Medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Shankh-Vati, Sutshekhar-Ras, Bhunimbadi-Qadha, Punarnavadi-Qadha, Rohitakarishta, Guduchyadi-Qadha in addition to Tamra-Bhasma can be used to improve the liver metabolism, reduce bilirubin levels within the blood in addition to therefore, reduce jaundice. Herbal medicines which can be used in This particular condition include Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Marich (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Chavya (Piper retrofractrum), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Devdangri (Luffa echinata), Rohitak (Tecoma undulata) in addition to Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea).

Medicines like Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Suvarna-Sutshekhar-Ras, Maha-Manjishthadi-Qadha, Saarivadi-Churna, Chandrakala-Ras, Praval-Panchamrut-Ras, Kamdudha-Ras, Abhrak-Bhasma, Trivang-Bhasma, Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Usheer (Vetiveria zizanioidis), Suvarna-Bhasma in addition to Suvarna-Malini-Vasant can be used to preserve long term liver function in addition to to prevent complications like damage to the brain, heart, kidneys in addition to various other organs.

The overall prognosis for Dubin-Johnson syndrome will be quite not bad. Ayurvedic treatment may thus be given to treat the symptoms in addition to prevent long term complications in those patients who do have problems because of This particular condition.

Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

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