My New Bed Buddy

Ever since my sister has moved back to Hong Kong, Mr Bond's been super sticky and requires 101% attention from me cos now his favorite "Baboo Yee" (his nick name for my sister) is not around anymore :( So now, I'm the sole supplier of tummy rub, food, tummy rub, litter clearer, tummy rub, food, tummy rub, water, tummy rub and attention. And to compensate the lack of "Baboo Yee's" attention, I now upgraded him to my bed at night and sometimes in the morning. I lost my Tempur pillow cos it's now officially his and he sleeps on it all the time. He knows he's the boss!

Mr Bond next to "HIS" (mine!) pillow in the morning....with his silly just woken up face

Some people don't understand why Mr Bond's such a big deal to me cos many think he's just a cat. Let me tell you, he's not just a cat, he's more than just a cat, and very often, better than a random human being. He's my family, especially now that I live alone. I remember there's once he was hospitalized and I needed to get off work earlier to see him and some of my coworkers and my then boss didn't seem too pleased that I go off half an hour earlier. They seemed to give me the "he's just a cat" look and till today, I despise them for it cos they were not very nice about it. I remember wanting to cry cos I was desperate to find out if he's okay. (Yes, it's during my dog prize for guessing that)

Mr Bond is more than just a cat cos he's always there when I'm home, he's always available to me, he's always there to cuddle up. When I'm happy, he's there to share the joy, when I'm sad, he's there for comfort, it doesn't matter I look like rubbish when I get home at the end of the day cos he's forever happy to see me and appreciate the fact that I'm there. He's trustworthy and more reliable than many homosapiens. So yes, he's more than just a cat. Until you've experienced the unconditional love of a pet and the loving bond you have with them, you'll never be able to understand why he's more than a cat and you have no idea what you're missing out on!

For now, he'll be the only male, albeit a furry one, who'll share my bed and 1000 thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets with me! (also fingers crossed that he's okay and his urinary tract infection hasn't recurred )

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