Wonder Women

The other day, I bought a pair of heels...you know the really gorgeous bootie looking heels that look fierce! Only that they hurt my feet and my tootsies are on fire after awhile. It's not seasoned yet and I'm still in the process of breaking into it and walking around the house in them. Last night I was cooking while wearing heels...haha...that got me thinking about how come all pretty shoes are super uncomfortable and the more amazing thing is, women are able to take the pain for vanity sake....and you know what? Women are amazing..it got me thinking of how fabulous we are! Because:
  • We can bleed for days and don't die
  • We're able to function with horrible monthly cramp and the discomfort of erm "riding the white cotton pony"...some of us can even run marathon during such trying time
  • We can run after buses and trains in killer heels. We survived the pain and discomfort of killer heels without having our digits turn gangrene and drop off
  • We can wear a corset without suffocating to death...passing out yes, you know in the olden days...but walking around in corset is an amazing feat
  • We can give birth, have our vijayjay torn and still survive
  • We can multi-task unlike men! I can blog, surf the net, chat on msn while doing my work
  • We can wear super tight skinny jeans without getting our blood circulation cut off
  • We can shop non-stop, around the clock, try on clothes 293879384 times, carry our loot and walk 93473984 miles and not get tired
  • Many women are able to be excellent single mom, juggle a few jobs and raise wonderful children
  • We have much higher pain tolerance than men
  • We're better listeners
  • We're able to tolerate men's stupidity and not get into a mental institute..(most women I mean)
  • Men, disagree as much as you want that we're the more brilliant gender but let's put it this way, no matter how amazing and brilliant you think you are, or actually are, WE gave birth to you and you still come out from your mama's body, or vijayjay to be precise...so there!

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