Of cheap thrill and a dead squirrel

I feel a wee bit uninspired and bored. What do you do when the daily routine and everyday drone make you feel stuck in a rut? For me, I go look for cheap thrill of different forms to get myself excited. It usually involves buying something small and cheap to keep myself amused for at least a couple of hours and let me have something to look forward to. Here's my cheap thrill list:
  • Watsons! Yes, I'm a fan and I even have the membership/loyalty card. I go there so often that people question if I'm a shareholder. I'll go there to get cheap toiletries and cosmetics like a new shampoo, body moisturizer or eye shadow so I'll be looking forward to trying out the new stuff when I get home or applying the new make-up the next day (makes it a wee bit easier to get up in the morning...erm maybe not actually)
  • New Weekly Magazine. Tabloid in its finest, I've surveyed many trashy tabloids in my oh-so-serious tabloid research and the Australian New Weekly is really the best. It's got the most up-to-date gossip and juicy scoops. Comes out every Thursday afternoon. I'll get lost in the glittery world of celebrity, live vicariously through their exciting lives and forgot my own boredom...for roughly an hour or two
  • Kinokuniya Book Store. Okay, fine, I'm not just about trashy tabloids. I love to read too. When it comes to books, I'm a purist and I only read good literature so no chick lit or rubbish thank you! I'll go do my "book whoring" and check out new books and buy them, despite the mountain pile of books waiting for me to read at home...so many books, so little time!
  • Hair cut. I just cut my fringe...bored. If the cut is good, you'll be happy and the compliments from people keep you chirpy. If it's bad, it'll keep you busy while obsessing about how to style it, tie it, and rescue it to look better. No time to be bored that way
  • Online shopping. Only cheap clothes please cos you can't really try it so I wouldn't buy anything more than 50 bucks if it's online-shopping (with the exception of certain brands and size that I'm so damn sure of). I love www.mdscollections.com They sell lots of dresses. New stocks come in very regularly (every few days in fact) and most frocks average about $30 a pop. Cheap thrill indeed. You order, they mail it, you wait, you get excited, you get dresses, you get amused. Mission accomplished
Well, thing is, today, I intended to get some new toiletries as cheap thrill, so as I was leaving office, I was thinking of making my dutiful pilgrim to Watsons. As I was thinking where to go and walking from my office to the bus stop, I was suddenly horrified and traumatized to see the corpse of a dead squirrel by the side of the path next to a bin. POOR THING!!!!! It was a very pitiful sight whereby the poor fellow was lying dead sideways, blood in its mouth and tongue sticking out. It made me want to cry :(

RIP my dear little squirrel :( :(

Our office is surrounded by lots of squirrels and everyday, my colleague and I would wait for them to come out and we have such a good time watching them jump around the trees, chase each other and attack the jack fruit outside our windows. We even have names for them! They're our friendly furry neighbors, our virtual pets and to see a dead body of one of our friends was depressing and mortifying to say the least. I was so shocked and affected that I have no more mood to go "cheap-thrilling" :(

Instead of going Watsons to get new stuff, all I wanted at that moment is to run home and hug my cat cos sometimes, it takes life's little misfortune to make you realize how precious what you have is. It makes me realize there's more to life than just a new bottle of shampoo cos it seems like I'm taking what I already have (which is my lovely Mr Bond) for granted. Why would I need another new muse to get excited about when I really ought to focus my energy on him?

That woke me up a bit. Yes, I get bored all the time but again, I take things for granted and forgot about the little things in life that actually mean something....So yes, no cheap thrill for me today. I don't need it for I have my little furry feline friend at home :)

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