Tiger Douche

Eeeewww....I hate it when I hear news of men cheating (or finding out about being cheated for that matter...yes, like I've sad before, I've been cheated on before). Despicable. And this time, it's the golfing world's golden boy Tiger Douche, oops, sorry, I mean Tiger Woods.

He banged some cocktail waitress named Jamiee Grubbs in 2007, two months before his wife gave birth to their daughter!!! Now how despicable!!!?? Cheating is bad enough but cheating while your wife is pregnant is real damn low and pathetic! It's 100% asshole, pure evil not from concentrate!

Come on, the poor wife was carrying his child, went through months of morning sickness, got fat and stretched-marked, acquired brand new bloated sore boobs (which later would be saggy pendulums post-breastfeeding) in order to bear him an offspring. And what was he doing while his wife was 2 months away from getting her vijayjay split apart by popping a baby? Oh he's happily sticking his wiener in and out of a cocktail waitress and that bloody affair lasted 31 months! I feel sorry for his wife.....

He apologized saying "I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart" but what use does it do?

Many men cheat and they conveniently blame it on their dicks and their hormones but seriously, if you're a man and have some kind of integrity, you'll also have the conscience to know right from wrong and the will-power and character to keep your dick to yourself.

Conclusion: There's just NO EXCUSE for cheating really. And maybe Tiger should get his balls hit by a golf club by his wife with a Callyway's Big Bertha driver....that would be nice....

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