Black Tea with high anti-oxidant

Tea is the second most widely consumed fresh in the world after water. Tea drunk by millions of people around the world. Some historical records indicate that tea has become a human companion drink for more than five thousand years!
There are four main types of tea: green tea, tea Olong, and  Black Tea. Tea has a number of beneficial health properties.
Here are the health benefits of tea:
1. Anti-cancer
    Research shows that green tea protects us from a variety of cancers, including lung cancer, prostate and     breast. Antioxidants in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), according to a team from Kyushu University, slowing the cell growth of human lung cancer significantly. People who drank at least one cup of green tea every day five times lower risk of developing lung cancer.
Another study showed that green tea, combined with tamoxifen, effectively suppress the growth of breast cancer.
2. Increase metabolism
Clinical trials by the University of Geneva and University of Birmingham indicate that green tea increases metabolic rate, fat oxidation rate, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Polyphenol catechins in green tea is thermogenesis (body heat), and hence increases energy expenditure.
3. Anti-diabetes
   There is epidemiological evidence that drinking green tea and black tea can help prevent diabetes, although such evidence is still associative requires further confirmation.
4. Mental alertness
    Amino acid L-theanine, found in almost all types of tea, actively affects brain neurotransmitters and increases alpha wave activity. The result is your mind becomes calmer, yet more alert.
5. Immune System
    Theanine in tea may help the immune system response against infection. A study of blood samples over 11 coffee drinkers and 10 tea drinkers, who consumed 600 ml of coffee or black tea daily for four weeks, showed anti-bacterial protein production five times higher in tea drinkers.
6. Inhibit the decrease in power of thought
     A 2006 study showed that elderly Japanese who drank more than 2 cups of green tea a day had 50 percent lower risk of having damage to the intellect, as compared with those who drank less than 2 cups a day. This may be caused by the influence of EGCG, which is cleanse the blood flow to the brain.
7. Lowering stress
    According to the research of University College London, drinking black tea can lower stress hormones (cortisol) after a stressful event. Subjects who had been drinking 4 cups of black tea every day for 6 weeks decreased cortisol 20% greater than the placebo group.
8. Restoring intestinal inflammation
    Green tea has been shown to reduce intestinal inflammation. This effect seems to be related to the ability of green tea polyphenols inhibit the inflammatory reaction.
9. Cope with bad breath
   The researchers Universas Illinois at Chicago stated that polyphenols help inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.
10. Cope with iron overload
    Researchers in Germany found that drinking a cup of black tea every day can help stop excess iron in patients hemakromatosis (excess iron in the blood) due to impaired absorption of iron.
11. Effects associated with caffeine
     A cup of green tea contains between 15 and 50 mg of caffeine. By drinking green tea you will get all the health benefits of caffeine.
12. Anti-stroke
     The study, presented at the International Stroke Conference in February 2009 found that drinking three cups of tea or more per day can reduce the risk of stroke by 21%.
13. Heart Health
     Research University of L'Aquila in 2009 showed that drinking just one cup of regular tea per day can help protect yourself from cardiovascular disease. Tea contains flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin which increases the reactivity of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, which have an impact on heart health.
In one study, people who drink half a cup of tea per day 40% less likely to experience a heart attack than non-drinkers.
14. Arthritis Rheumatism
   Green tea reduces the severity of rheumatoid arthritis by 78% in heavy drinkers and 40% in occasional drinkers.
15. Dental Health
    Dental plaque contains more than 300 types of bacteria that attach to the surface of the teeth and cause cavities. Plaque is also a major cause of gum disease. Polyphenols in black tea can kill or suppress the growth of bacteria that cause plaque.

Black Tea
Latin name: Camellia Sinensis variety assamica
Places to grow: Cool Region 1200 asl
Best part: The top leaves (Peko)
Content of Tea:
Catechins: epicatechin (EC), Epiketekin Error (ECG), Epigalo Ketekin (EGC), Epigalo Error Catechins (EGCG), theaflavins (only found in black tea)
Vitamins: B1, B2, C, E and K
Minerals: Fluorine, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium and Potassium
Efficacy of Black Tea Can Trust:
01. Lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart attack
02. Prevent constriction of blood vessels
03. Lowering Hypertension
04. Minimize the risk of stroke
05. Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes
06. Increase metabolism
07. Slimming & maintaining ideal body weight
08. Anti-aging
09. Prevent osteoporosis
10. Prevent cavities, bad breath and canker sores
11. Stress Meredahkan
12. Increase the power of thought and concentration
13. Cope with viral, bacterial and fungal
14. boost the body's immunity
15. Improve Stamina (Vitality) & Libido
16. Prevent and reduce uric acid
17. Meredahkan migraine and vertigo
18. reduce the risk of prostate cancer, uterus, breast
19. Smoking reduces the risk of negative
20. Beneficial for patients with asthma / sinustisis

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