Savor "tempuyung" for kidney disease

This plant can grow in any place, in Indonesia given the name "tempuyung" including the Asteraceae family of plants. He is a chronic herbaceous plants, erect, contain sap, and has strong roots of riding.
In addition, tempuyung also be used as a bruise from the impact of drugs in a way put on the swelling, relieve fatigue, and feeling sore (Rusdeyti, 1985). In China the leaves tempuyung used as medicines and insecticides.
Tempuyung leaves are known to contain high levels of potassium. The presence of potassium from the leaves tempuyung makes kidney stones scattered in the form of calcium carbonate. Because potash will remove calcium carbonate compound to join, oxalate, or uric kidney stones are forming. The precipitate was finally dissolved kidney stones and washed out with urine. Kidney stones were simply eliminated. However, to prevent the disease is certainly better than cure. The easiest way to prevent kidney stones is to consume plenty of water. The hope, of salts forming kidney stones can be diluted and there is no precipitation. If one is formed by microscopic size, these salts can be carried out with urine.
Sonchus arvensis L tempuyung aliases, including chronic terna plant usually grows in shaded places. These plants live wild in Java, in an area that a lot of rain at an altitude of 50-1650 m asl. Grown in the open or slightly shielded in a rugged, in the dike, on the edge of the water channel (Heyne, 1987). Green leaves are smooth with a little purple, wavy edges, and irregularly toothed. Near the base of the stem, toothed leaves that form a rosette and terpusar located on the top hugging the stem Intermittent. Tempuyung is a true wild plants usually grow on the outskirts of the house. gardens, open land, the home page, on the cliffs, even on the walls. Cracks in the walls of which were tempuyung can grow because the form of seeds and seedlings can be blown all over the place so quickly grow if there is water or moist air. Tempuyung still a family with other wild plants such as sintrong, mustard, Blumea, marigolds, jotang, babadotan, and sunflowers.
For the purposes of treatment usually leaves tempuyung used in the dry leaf powder is brewed. May also use the fresh leaves are brewed. Or eat the side dishes, all had the same efficacy panacea. Because of these properties, now in some places people started deliberately planted, even membudidayakaannya.
As mentioned earlier, tempuyung not only useful for treating kidney stones, but can also be used for uric acid. What's wrong with uric acid, and the dangerous are these diseases?
Excess uric acid in the blood is going to be a problem in itself. Because it will cause crystallization in the joints and blood capillaries, especially on the part close to the joints. Know the result? When the joints are driven friction will occur so that the crystals cause pain. Similarly, when the crystals settle to the blood capillaries. When we move, the crystals of uric acid will be depressed into the walls of capillaries, so that the pointed end of the crystal piercing the walls of capillaries. Hence came the pain.
The buildup of uric acid crystals in joints causing chronic lymphatic fluid that serves as pelincir (lubricant) is not functioning. As a result, the joints can not be driven. This often occurs in the elderly because of excess uric acid that had been ignored. Uric acid (uric acid), expressed as a compound of the purine derivative alkaloids (xanthine).
His form is a white crystalline, odorless and tasteless, decomposed by heating into cyanide (HCN), is very poorly soluble in water, soluble in glycerin and alkali. According to Mathews (1991) in his Biochemistry, uric acid is produced by every living creature that is the main result of metabolic processes, a chemical process in the cell nucleus that function to support viability. The process starts from foods such as carbohydrates, proteins, and cellulose (fiber) through a chemical process line is the Krebs cycle that will produce power (energy) and chemical substances your body needs. If there are deviations in this process, especially in people aged 40 or older or elderly, then the uric acid will accumulate.
In addition to naturally occurring, uric acid in the blood may also increase due to external factors, especially of food and drinks that can stimulate the formation of uric acid. Foods that can stimulate the formation of uric acid are foods that have high levels of carbohydrates and protein. Examples of these foods include beans, melinjo, especially the intestines of animals, and chocolate contains Theobromine as a derivative of purine alkaloids. Similarly, caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea, and cola will also cause an increase in uric acid. This is all due to coffee, tea and cola-containing derivative of purine alkaloids (ksantin). If the blood levels of these alkaloids is high enough, then ksantin oxidase enzyme in the presence of uric acid is formed. Or prevention of medical countermeasures against the pain in the joints or arthritis is not so much to do, because there are no drugs that can reduce excessive levels of uric acid in the blood. In medical endeavored to reduce the pain with analgesic drug administration (the removal of pain or pain) or giving analgesics to reduce pain in the pain. Sometimes given diuretics to increase fluid discharge in the body of uric acid in the hope some will come out with the fluid. Last but not many ways to help. However, according to a study had found chemical compounds that can suppress the occurrence of uric acid in the body.
According to Paul Cos and his colleagues from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium, several compounds are antioxidant flavonoids that can inhibit the enzyme reaction ksantin oxidase and superoxide, resulting in the formation of uric acid to be blocked or reduced.
Based on the above mechanism, some medicinal plants native to Indonesia (OAI), based on chemical content, have to cope with indications of the uric acid. OAI plant compounds it contains flavonoids which have a high, safe to use and readily available to prevent the formation of uric acid in the body. Thus, among the plants in question are tempuyung.

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