Potato is a food that is suitable for people with diabetes

Potatoes are a lot of food is often favored by those who often buy snacks or fast food. Can be used as French fries or other matter that it tastes good and crispy. But when viewed from the benefits, the potato is a food alternative for those who are diseased urinary manis.Solution for them as a substitute for rice or who want to shrink stomach diet.
Ingredients and Benefits: Potato tubers contain starch (amylose, amylopectin), protein, fat, calcium, fosfar, iron, sulfur, vitamins A, B, C.
1. Burn
1 potato, washed, peeled, grated. Squeeze the grated potato with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Boreh on the burns, then wrapped with a clean cloth.
2. Oily face
2 potatoes peeled, grated. Apply grated potatoes to the average of the face, leave for ½ hour. Wash with cold water
3. Head pain in children
A wash potatoes, grated. Boreh grated potatoes to a boil, let it dry and off itself. Do this until the ulcers appear smaller. Ulcers will disappear without leaving a stain
4. Pimple
A thinly sliced ​​potatoes, stick to the face. Leave until the potatoes are dry and gray-colored
5. Diabetes
We eat rice everyday replaced with boiled potatoes, because the sugars in potatoes is less than that of rice.
6. Anemia
For children who are anemic should be more often given a variety of potato dishes.

To lose weight, many people use the potato as a source of carbohydrate diet. How does the potato until he could make the body slim? Potatoes are a source of antioxidants that provide many health benefits. Potatoes are complex carbohydrates that can make people satisfied without the danger of diabetes. Eating potatoes can also make slim.
According to a study just released by the University of California and the National Center for Food Safety and Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology, showed that people who regularly eat potatoes can lose weight. Researchers studied 86 men and women who have excess weight, for 12 weeks to measure the effect of glycemic index diet modification to reduce the calories by the addition of potatoes. Participants were randomly divided into three groups and each must be on a diet that included 5-7 servings of potatoes per week. The results showed that all three groups lost weight significantly.

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