Watermelon benefits for skin face

Watermelon is a fruit that is quite popular with many people most especially if you're feeling the heat because the heat matahar. Watermelon contains a lot of water but so far, only eat the watermelon flesh colored, like red and yellow, while the white layer near the outer skin are discarded and become waste. In fact, this section would contain antioxidants that are beneficial to skin health.
Depart from that case, four students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) utilizing a white layer of skin watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schrad) for mask-making materials that are beneficial to skin health.
"White layer of skin of the watermelon actually contains many substances that are useful for health, one of which is sitrulin. Sitrulin is one of the antioxidants that are beneficial to skin health, "said one student Laila Dhunurain Rochmatika in Yogyakarta on Sunday (20/5).
Laila explained, "The use of a white layer of watermelon now classified as still less than the maximum, but contains antioxidants. Therefore, we analyzed the antioxidant content in a face mask made ​​from a white layer of skin of the watermelon. "
He said that the selection of watermelon in the study because watermelon is the fruit of a well-known people, easy to find in many areas, and relatively cheap.
The use of masks of fruit, still says Laila, is one way of refreshing the face. Benefits other than the mask softens the skin, it also opens clogged pores due to dirt, dust and the rest of the cosmetics that can not be lost by normal cleaning.
"In addition, the mask can also restore moisture and smoothness of skin and skin cells replace the dead and can make facial muscles become rileks.sumber: http://www.republika.co.id/

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