Easy Way Google Adsense Approved

How to Easily and Quickly approve google adsense

This is the first time my google adsense account at google approve, after three times rejected continue. Because my blog has not qualified, "sorry your content did not adequately" so says google .. But one day I try another way for google to approve. Ie by registering at docstoc. My efforts were not in vain to make the article of Indonesian in English translate into as many as 10 articles. The point of origin upload it, the problem of whether or not willing to accept what matters lately.
Day after day I continued to open my gmail account .. if it is approve or not? Then wait 2 days. Then it turns out google finally returned my email. Will be reviewed articles that have been uploaded. Towards the third day, I try Google adsense ads script code .. Apparently I've put up ads. how nice, I have google adsense account approve .. but I just uploaded 10 English-language articles.
Well ... I want to share the following ways to immediately disapprove google adsense, follow these steps :
1. Enter url www.docstoc.com, browse to the site then register first complete contents of the data yourself. If you've already finished the list and your account on docstoc. Directly enter login with your username and password, then see the display above and then click "upload"

2. Next, click the select files
 3. Then upload the document at least 10, my suggestion English language article, if you do not have, it's easy. Find it Indonesia and then you translate the article google or search for articles on free article directory 
4. After the upload document next step is to click on the menu docstoc your account and click settings and click doccash and sign up for doccash

5. If so there is this view select I'd like to set up an adsense account and fill in your email address, and suggestions email me feedback that you have never registered for google adsense, and then click submit
6.Congratulations you have to sign up at google google adsese. And you have successfully created an account google adsense, but there are still steps that must be resolved again.
7. Open the email you enter your gmail account, look in your inbox, and open the inbox folder. You'll get an email reply to confirm the contents to google adsense, better read briefly and then click the link in the email as shown below:
8. If you have reached this stage, then fill it with the complete form, according to your address after making sure his or her address right click submit information, such as the picture below.
9. Then click continue and check the checkbox and click accept 
10. a highly anticipated step is to wait for email reply from google adsense that it welcome in google adsense, completed
Well .. after you arrive at this step, it means that your account has been approved but still waiting on about 4 days, as the first google will assess your account and files that you have uploaded to docstoc, in the reply email google, ads will not be a waiting period out, after the full approved by google, then your ad will appear on your docstoc account, If you have reached this stage, please put ads on your blog .. and usually not until the fourth day, kindly google ads already appear on your blog. I hope this information would be sufficient and useful for us all .. distribute to your friends ..

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