Miracles Of Tin Fruit

Tin fruit Menut Muslims are a magical fruit as the fruit is told in the Qur'an. With human intelligence provided by the Lord, the fruit is not just a tin of fruit but it contains a wide range of magical properties and to treat various diseases. Tin fruit, including fruit is scarce and expensive. But do not worry you can now get it on special plantations Tin Fruit that has been spread in some countries one of which Indonesia.
Tin fruit. His name may be familiar to our ears. In the Qur'an there was a letter about this fruit. But we rarely or even not seen the fruit. In Indonesia is still a handful of people who try to develop it.
If you go to Jakarta, there is a tin of fruit nurseries. Located in way Cipinang Jaya no. 17, this nursery will increase the variety of fig tree. It also organizes courses and extension planting fig trees.
Kelvin, one of the nursery staff, said the previous fig tree does not exist in Indonesia. He had to import from the country of origin. "Fruit is the fruit of a productive tin for continuous fruit without knowing the season," he explained. Fig fruit is unique. He is fruitful but not flowering.
This fruit has many varieties. There are at least twelve kinds of fruit tin. Among them are Jordan, Tin purple, red palestine, turkey red, brown turkey, negronne, black Ischia, libya, black turkey, long yellow, panace tiger, and Flanders. But in the nursery there are only six varieties, Jordan, tin purple, red palestine, brown turkey, libya, and black turkey.

More black fruit, more sweet
Jordan fig tree is the most famous in Indonesia. "This species is most often bear fruit," says Kelvin. Planted in pots were often fruitful. If it is ripe, the fruit will turn yellow. Jordan tin of fruit is most sweet than other fruit tin.
Tin type of brown bear turkey was quite diligent in the pot though. It was sweet but not as sweet as Jordan. As the name suggests, the fruit is brown. "The more black, the sweeter the fruit,"
Tin has purple leaves karakeristik different. If the other tin has five segmented leaves, purple tin has a threefold leaves and thick like teak leaves. "Generally makes a small yet still segmented," he explained. The downside of this type, only bear fruit if planted in the ground.
Tin Libya has a thicker leaf. the fruit is smaller than other tin pieces, roughly half of the fruit of the other tin. The red tin red called palestine. The leaves are similar to libya. If it is still small, green fruit with red tip. Are still rare and is being tried planting and development is a type of black turkey. The fruit is larger and black. The leaves are too big.

Benefits of Fruit Tin
Many benefits are owned by the fig fruit. Pieces of tin-containing potassium, omega three and omega six that serve to maintain high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. The content of coumarin in a tin of fruit may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Tin of fruit also contains calcium to prevent osteoporosis and helps increase bone density. High calcium content makes the fruit can be eaten as an alternative to tin intake of calcium for people who are allergic to dairy products.
The content of tryptophan was able to avoid insomnia and make good quality sleep. Pectin contained in tin fruit can help reduce blood cholesterol. Pieces of tin are very effective for weight loss process because it is rich in fiber.
If taken regularly, can help reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. Diligent eating a tin can reduce fatigue, improve brain memory, and prevent anemia. Laxative effect of tin contained in the fruit may help treat chronic constipation. The fruit is rich in phenols and tin benzaldehid useful as an anti-tumor and can kill disease-causing microorganisms, fungi, viruses in the human body.
Besides the fruit, the leaves also have benefits. Some of these benefits are for drug urinary stones, diabetes, and gout. "Boil five fig leaf segments, and then drink the water," said suwandi. Cooking water can help reduce the number of diabetic patients insulin intake and kidney infections.

How to grow and develop
"How fig trees are very easy to transplant," said suwandi. The method he uses is a practical method of grafting. Media need is compost and loose soil. Compost can be replaced with coconut fiber for better results. The comparison is one to one.
Peel the stems of trees. Media that has been wrapped in plastic and then placed in the hollowed trunk a little earlier. Tie. The roots will grow in plastic for a period of three weeks. Having grown roots, cut. Planting in polybags and keep in the shade for a week. "After one week can be stored in the hot sun," he explained.
Fig tree be great if grown in hot areas. "How to move a fig tree from the polybags is also quite easy," jelsnya. Dig a hole in the soil of medium size. Allow two to three days. After three days, mix the soil with compost or manure. Then move the plants from the polybags.
Further treatment of this tree is watered every morning. "Ideally, the plant is sprayed or sprinkled with a mixture of M-4, water and sugar," he explained. The comparison is a half bottle of m-4, twenty liters of water, and half a kilo of sugar. Once mixed, let stand for three days. Spray on leaves or flush on the trunk. Tin tree planting should be in the morning, afternoon, or when the weather is cloudy. "Do not be as hot,". said suwandi
According to interviews with suwandi in republika.co.id

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