Is It Possible to Erase Stretch Marks?

According to statistics, the majority of women will eventually develop stretch marks on their skin. In addition, quite a few men will also get these unpleasant marks!

These marks basically form when the skin stretches excessively during times of rapid weight gain. The marks most often appear during puberty or during pregnancy. However, weight lifters can also get these marks too as their skin expands.

These marks first appear as dark purple or red jagged lines on the skin. Usually, they will appear on the buttocks, hips, thighs, breasts or on the backs of legs.

Over time, the purple and red colors fade to a dark silver if they are not treated. The marks are not only a different color than the rest of the skin, but the texture of the skin is also different. People with the marks may find that the skin around the marks does not tan as readily as the rest of their skin. This can lead to embarrassment at the beach or at the local pool during the summer time.

Luckily, there are ways to effectively erase these pesky marks. One of the most inexpensive ways to erase the marks is to use special creams and lotions. For best results, follow the directions on the package as closely as possible and make sure to continue the regimen for as long as specified.

Creams and lotions may contain ingredients like caffeine, glycolic acid, retinol, and even water. For best results, avoid creams and lotions that contain water as the main ingredient.

Also be sure to consult your doctor before using such creams and lotions if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Finally, if you develop a reaction to some of the ingredients, you may need to find another cream. For example, some people with extremely sensitive skin develop a rash when exposed to retinol.

Microdermabrasion is another way to erase these marks. This process basically uses crystals to buff away a layer of the skin. Microdermabrasion is more expensive than creams and lotions, but the process also is very effective.

There are some kits that can be used at home, but many people go to a dermatologist or other specialist in order to have the process completed. Costs vary depending on a number of factors.

Recently, laser treatments have been used in order to erase the marks from the skin. The price of laser treatments are quite expensive, but very effective.

In order to be totally effective, patients may need to undergo several treatments. Eventually, the skin heals and looks just like the skin that was not stretched or scarred.

Time is very important when treating these marks. If you are considering treatment in order to erase the marks, you should obtain the treatment while the marks are still new. Basically, you will need to get treatment when the marks are still purple or red in color. After the marks fade to silver, it may be very difficult to erase them.

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