Acne Home Treatments - Simple and Effective

You do not have to spend hundreds of dollars trying to clear up your skin. A few simple acne home treatments are often all anyone needs, and let me explain why. Most over the counter medications often do more harm than good, because they contain harsh ingredients that will dry the skin.
What happens when your face dries out? For some it will get red and irritated. For others it prompts the body to create more oil. That is not what we want. A vicious cycle begins and you wind up slathering your face with moisturizer that contains ingredients that clog the pores, or you apply more of the treatment to get rid of the oil.
Begin From The Inside
Acne home treatments always work best when added to a few lifestyle changes. Don't panic! They aren't that drastic to most people, and if you feel good on the inside it will begin to show on the outside. Make sense?
You will not have to wait weeks to see improvement in your skin either! Once you discover how to make your own cleanser, you will see a marked improvement in your skin very soon, it varies from person to person, but some have seen clearing in only two days.
Drink Enough Water, Take Your Vitamins
Drink the recommended amount of water for your height and weight every day. This is important for healthy skin. A good daily vitamin is another. Discuss these with your Doctor. Exercise is another important aspect. This doesn't sound so bad, does it?
A Recipe For Healthy Skin
Here is a simple, soothing recipe for acne home treatments. If you do not care for yogurt, don't worry, because you do not eat this recipe!
2 Tbs of plain yogurt
One half cup of oatmeal or cornmeal
You can add more yogurt to form a good paste. Smooth a nice layer over your face, but avoid the eye area. Let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Pat dry.
Witch Hazel is an excellent astringent to follow up with. It will not dry your skin like those OTC's do. A small amount of Olive oil can be applied as a natural moisturizer, though you may find you do not need it.
Strawberry Cleanser
1 large strawberry
2 Tbs plain yogurt
Mash the strawberry thoroughly and mix with yogurt. Apply to face in circular motion for a few minutes, rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry. This has been known to greatly reduce acne.
By searching the Internet or going to your local health food store, you will discover lots of other wonderful acne home treatments.
Reduce Stress
Stress can play a big part in causing acne. By reducing stress the hormone levels will be more in balance as well. Reduce caffeine intake if you are consuming more than 3 to 4 cups per day. Switching to tea will add more antioxidants to your diet.
Stefanie Avon of, specializes in helping you naturally rid your face and body of acne and zits without expensive creams and lotions which all have side affects. Stefanie, a skin dermatologist by trade constantly reviews new resources that help you discover the most effective acne cures that work! Turn your life around and start living again without an embarrassing acne problem. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular acne cure resources at [].

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