Natural Acne Cures - They Do Work If Used Consistently

Most so-called acne cures on the market today merely touch the surface and help to reduce outbreaks, yet there is still the redness and dry skin that develops. The big pharmaceutical companies do not want us to know about natural acne cures, because they would not make any money off of you.
What Causes Acne To Begin With?
Our bodies are constantly changing, due to hormonal changes and environmentally as well. The big picture is in controlling our oil glands, which can begin working overtime during periods of stress, natural changes in the body when entering puberty, and for women, around the menses.
Bacteria also plays a part in causing acne, so remember to wash your hands often and avoid touching your face, which will spread that bacteria and cause more outbreaks. A vicious cycle there is, when touching your face.
A good diet plays a role in natural acne cures, and this is where you will find good bacteria, as found in yogurt. If you do not care for yogurt, you can find another source of good bacteria found in pro-biotic supplements you can take in pill form. These can be found in natural food stores all across the country.
Fruits and vegetables are good for raising your alkaline levels, which help to counter-act acid, and can also reduce outbreaks. By limiting your red meat consumption you will be helping to control how much oil your body creates. There are good sources of protein, such as fish and a handful of nuts.
If you have been taking Anti-biotics to treat acne, there is a good chance that all of your good bacteria have been destroyed, and this is adding to your problem. By using natural acne cures like pro-biotics, your overall health will begin to improve as well. You may find that you have more energy. Natural astringents like witch hazel have proven effective in reducing inflammation, and reduce pore size. It has a cooling affect on the skin and works to heal lesions.
Some have found that by replacing coffee with green tea they have seen improvement in their skin. Avoiding soft drinks is another part of natural acne cures. Too much refined sugar in the diet is not good.
Check you local natural health food store for botanical soaps and moisturizers that are free of glycerin and other additives that can irritate the skin even more. Some forms of alcohol used in popular products will dry your face, which will prompt even more oil production.
By following these tips on natural acne cures you will be on your way to a clear complexion. It may seem like a major life change, but just by making some simple changes in your diet and habits you can benefit both your skin and your health. Wont it be worth it?
Stefanie Avon of, specializes in helping you naturally rid your face and body of acne and zits without expensive creams and lotions which all have side affects. Stefanie, a skin dermatologist by trade constantly reviews new resources that help you discover the most effective acne cures that work! Turn your life around and start living again without an embarrassing acne problem. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular acne cure resources at [].

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