Natural Acne Remedies - They Can Work For Anyone

Your Diet May Be To Blame!
Yes, most of the time a persons diet is one of the major contributing factors in causing acne, and so if you want natural acne remedies to work for you, the first thing that needs to be done is change your diet. If you eat unhealthy foods that are loaded with fat and refined sugar your skin will pay the price.
Avoid hydrogenated oils- deep fried foods are the worst! Remember, what goes into your body must come out eventually, and one way for these toxins to be eliminated is through the skin! Re-discover fruits and vegetables. Go for the green! Leafy greens are by far the best. More fruit will help detoxify your system naturally.
If you find it hard to eat vegetables or are just plain lazy, you can drink them! I enjoy a glass of all day energy greens every day. It is a suitable way to get all of the beneficial nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Be prepared to spend a few dollars though.
Colon Cleansing
Another way to help along natural acne remedies is to cleanse the colon. Always discuss with your doctor if you plan to start using herbal cleansing products, especially if you are taking prescription medication. Herbs can interfere or counteract with certain medicines. If you have kidney or liver problems, using certain herbal supplements could be dangerous.
Drink Enough Water!
Too many people do not drink water, and this is one of the most important things you can do for your skin! Our bodies are up to eighty percent water. We need to drink water to keep it balanced. Eight glasses a day is the minimum. If the skin is dehydrated it will create more oil, and this is something we do not want when fighting acne.
Here are a few recipes for natural acne remedies you can try along with all of the above mentioned tips.
Cucumber Mask
Along with eating these wonderful vegetables, applying them to your skin is a luxurious way to combat and prevent acne. Put in a blender one cucumber and smooth over the face. Let it sit for at least one half hour and wash off with warm water. Do this daily and your skin will glow. It really does work, and you can pay hundreds of dollars at a spa for the same treatment.
Eating yogurt is good for the skin, but if you do not care for the taste, wear it instead. Combine one mashed strawberry and four tablespoons of plain yogurt and smooth over the face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes and rinse.
By using these natural acne remedies consistently, your skin will be clear and smooth in no time. Persistence is the key. Simple changes to diet and habits are all it takes to healthy skin. If you feel beautiful skin is worth the small sacrifices, you are on your way.
Stefanie Avon of, specializes in helping you naturally rid your face and body of acne and zits without expensive creams and lotions which all have side affects. Stefanie, a skin dermatologist by trade constantly reviews new resources that help you discover the most effective acne cures that work! Turn your life around and start living again without an embarrassing acne problem. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular acne cure resources at [].

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