Gibby's Garden Diary entry #6 - Plant List

After a 2 week hiatus from blogging, I’m back with a garden diary entry. I know the last entry I made I complained about the weather and yes, I’m here to complain about it again, but only for a few sentences. The weather here in Maine has been all over the place. We either get downpours or it’s hot and humid for days at a time wreaking havoc on my garden soil.

With that being said, I’ve replanted a few of my cucumber mounds and will probably have to replant some of my beans as well. I’ve heard from a number of people, one who works in a lawn and garden center, that many people are having to replant some of their seeds due to sporadic weather we've been having. On a lighter note, my transplants seem to be doing fine as they already have roots and have established their places in the garden.

Okay - enough of the complaining already - right? Here’s what I have in the ground so fa,r and yes, I still have more to plant as I have run out of space and need to make some new garden beds for my root vegetables and corn. Not having planted my corn yet is what is really bothering me - but that’s a different story that'll I'll share in another garden diary entry.

What's Growing in Gibby's Garden in 2013

  • “Hybrid Miss Pickler” Cucumbers - 6/15/13 - 6/20/13 *
  • “Beefmaster” Tomatoes - 5/27/13
  • Cherry Tomatoes - 5/27/13
  • "Roma" Tomatoes - 6/3/13
  • “Viva Italia” Tomatoes - 6/3/13
  • “Premium Crop” Broccoli - 6/10/13
  • “Snow Crown” Cauliflower - 6/10/13
  • Jalapenos - 6/10/13
  • "Mesclun Mix" Lettuce – 6/13/13
  • “Hybrid Tyee” Spinach - 6/15/13
  • “Northfield” Peas - 6/13/13
  • “Blue Lake” Pole Beans - 6/5/13 - 6/19/13
  • “Golden” Wax Beans- 6/5/13  - 6/20/13
  • “Early White Vienna” Kohlrabi - 6/15/13
  • “Bright Lights” Swiss Chard - 6/15/13
  • “Hybrid Twilight” Eggplant - 6/15/13
* The dates listed are planting dates

Now you can see why I’ve run out of room in my 3 exiting garden beds. I’m definitely one of those crazy gardeners who loves planting everything under the sun. I’ve never grown Swiss chard or eggplant, so I’m anxious to see how they grow this year and I’ll be sure to let you know.

Is anyone else having any gardening issues this growing season? I’d love to hear about em’ below.

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