Home Remedies for Acne- Do They Work?

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The bigger a problem is, the more people are going to look for a solution. This improvised saying is an accurate description of the host of remedies, cures and treatments for acne available on the market today. From exfoliation and the classic antibiotics and bactericidal and on to hormonal treatments, retinoids, photo therapy and laser, the list is very long.

The average customer looking for a cure to his or her acne problem is likely to be confused by this cornucopia of treatments, all of which are 100% guaranteed to put an end to acne once and for all.

One of the new additions to the overall effort is the idea of treating acne with a combination of healthy food and vitamins. Although the use of certain foods to cure various conditions is by no means a new idea, the concept that food alone could be used to cure acne is an interesting new twist.

The cornerstone of this approach is the attempt to avoid treated food, fat and sugar in order to focus on fresh vegetables, fruits and water. The underlying assumption is that heavily processed food and fat-rich food are bad for the body and the source of acne and other conditions.

Skin problems are considered to be a side effect of processed food consumption. However, things are not that simple. This approach is a good idea only for the people whose acne outbreaks are caused or worsened by hormones and other substances found in red meat and processed food. It would be hard to argue that all the various types of acne have only one source and that source is nothing else but food.

Moreover, people respond in different ways to different foods. Banning one type of food may work for some people, but not for others. A healthy diet is good for everybody, but it simply can't cure acne on its own, especially the severe cases.

What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into pimples. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly pimples.

Receive help from troubling skin conditions with the best acne products and treatments.

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