Acne Herbal Remedies to Prevent and Treat Acne

How to Prevent and Treat Acne

Acne appears on the skin as a result of the accumulation and solidification of excess oil secreted by the sebaceous glands beneath the skin, together with dead skin cells and particles of dirt. Mostly, acne affects teenagers as the sudden surge in the level of hormones in their bodies makes the sebaceous glands hyperactive and consequently leads to the excessive production of sebum. An effective way of dealing with this problem is to drink plenty of water every day and wash the face frequently with water. This not only keeps the skin well hydrated, both internally and externally, but also removes excess oil and dirt from the surface of the skin and thereby prevents the appearance of acne. You should also stay away from deep-fried and oily foodstuff as they increase the chances of getting acne. Increase your daily intake of fresh fruits and raw vegetables as they keep the skin in good health by supplying it with essential vitamins and minerals.

Herbal Remedies to Prevent and Treat Acne

In addition to these general measures, you should also follow a few specific herbal remedies to prevent and treat acne. Crush a handful of fenugreek leaves and apply the pulp on your face half an hour before going to bed every night. Once your skin begins to feel dry, splash it with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a soft towel. This will reduce the chances of the appearance of acne considerably. You should also rub your skin very gently with a thin slice of a ripe tomato for 5 minutes twice every day. This unclogs the pores on the surface of the skin and makes acne disappear without leaving behind ugly scars and marks.

For another effective acne herbal remedy, crush a handful of Margosa leaves to pulp by adding a little water and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Now massage your skin gently with this paste and allow it to dry naturally in the air. Wash your skin with water when it feels completely dry. Both Margosa and turmeric have natural antibacterial properties that help destroy microbes that might be growing in pimples and make acne disappear in a week or two. A pinch of turmeric powder mixed with the juice extracted from fresh mint leaves also helps get rid of acne when used regularly. Rubbing the skin around the acne gently with a clove of crushed garlic also helps treat acne. The strong chemicals present in the juice of garlic disinfects and dries out the pimples naturally.

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