How to Get Rid of Pimple Scars using Home Remedies


Pimples are one of the most common forms of acne, a skin condition that affects most people during their lifetime. Acne occurs due to the blockage of sebaceous glands that are found at the base of each hair. These glands produce sebum, an oil-like substance that is important for keeping our skin and hair moisturized. Every person’s skin sheds thousands of dead skin cells each day, a natural process that keeps the skin fresh and healthy. However, these dead cells sometimes block the sebaceous glands, causing a buildup of sebum that attracts bacteria, leading to an infection called acne. If this infection causes a small, whitish bump filled with pus, it is referred to as a pimple. Pimples often occur during adolescence, for the simple reason that the skin grows thicker during this time, leading to excessive shedding of skin cells.

Pimples are actually quite harmless and usually dry up in a couple of weeks, when the affected skin simply drops off. However, in some cases the infection can go deep into the skin tissue. When the pimple finally ‘bursts’, it can take away some of this tissue, leaving behind a tiny hole in the skin that appears as a dark scar. The risk of developing such scars is greater when people try to force the pimple to burst. Another reason to avoid squeezing or pressing a pimple is that the active bacteria from the pimple can infect the surrounding skin, leading to multiple new pimples. In most cases, over-the-counter pimple medications come in the form of skin-colored creams, which help to both hide the pimple and reduce the temptation to force them open. Such medication can help to speed up the natural healing process, removing the pimple in a few days.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pimple Scars

Natural substances such as tea tree oil and aloe vera gel are also highly useful in treating pimples and preventing scarring. For example, tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that help to destroy the bacteria, prevent the spread of infection to the surrounding skin, and help the skin to heal itself. Apply honey on the acne scars and leave it overnight. Wash off in the morning. Being a natural cleanser, baking soda can help to relieve many skin conditions, including acne scars. Mix baking soda with a little bit of warm water to form a facial mask. And then dab a small amount of this paste directly on the acne spot and let it dry. Mix rose water with sandalwood paste and apply it on your scars overnight. Wash it off with cold water next morning.

For mild scars, a natural bleach such as lemon or potato juice can help to reduce the discoloration, if applied daily for ten minutes. In severe cases of scarring, a visit to a cosmetic surgeon may be necessary. Procedures include microdermabrasion, where the scarred skin is literally rubbed away, or laser treatments, where flashes of intense light are used to remove the damaged skin cells.

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