Powerful Ways Shrinks Stomach Naturally

How to shrink belly fat and streamline You do not have to use drugs , the drugs are usually contain a lot of chemicals , but can also be a natural way that would be more secure , and healthy . Distended stomach problems like this can be a serious matter for men or women if not addressed properly . But most of these problems occur in men , and not only in Indonesia alone . One cause is the overwhelmingly dominant because unhealthy lifestyle that ultimately the body was not considered . Among men and women who get into trouble like this much distended stomach caused by lack of exercise , but it is also less regular food intake is also one of the causes .

Natural ways to shrink belly fat can be started from the control food intake so that regular and appropriate , one example of foods that should be avoided is reduced even fried foods .  Why? Because processed foods have a lot of leftover frying oil can slow down the process of fat digestion and consequently can not be avoided even settle in the body. In addition to fried foods of course there are many more kinds of other meal should be avoided . For that this time we would like to create articles which have been summarized on a few ways fast, powerful , and healthy to shrink and streamline the already distended stomach in a natural way for you .

Tips on how to fast , powerful and healthy naturally shrink belly fat .

1 . Reducing salt intake
 The content of sodium contained in salt or seasoning salt is very high . When you eat salty foods in large quantities , this can lead to water retention in the body because the salt can draw large amounts of water , is what triggers and causes distended abdomen .

2 . Reduce simple carbohydrates foods .
Which includes simple carbohydrates in the diet is like white bread, rice , pasta . Simple carbohydrates are contained in these foods can convert into a fat very quickly . So you can reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrate foods that will help your business to shrink belly fat . Remember huh ? , You can simply reduce it, does not mean to abandon the food . Because these foods are also very important for our bodies , for example rice, it can act as a source of carbohydrates that can provide energy for our daily activities . To replace some of the foods you can eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates , such as bread wheat is .

3 . Drinking coffee and green tea .
The content of caffeine found in coffee can help burn calories and can increase metabolic rate by 10 % . And green tea can also help reduce the circulating glucose and fat absorption , so that green tea can help to shrink your stomach naturally . Given coffee also have negative effects , you should not be too much to consume .

4 . Consuming fibrous foods .
Fiber content typically found in many fruits . For that you can begin to consume fruits that contain water and fiber such as pears and apples .

5 . Reduce fried foods .
One cause is a distended stomach due to accumulated fat . And one reason is because of the slow process of food digestion . So now try to reduce the consumption of fried foods , because fried foods can slow down the digestive process .

And besides a quick and natural way to shrink belly fat above way , here are some exercises you can try to maximize your efforts to shrink the stomach .

1 . Try Playing Hula Hoop .
With bet hula hoop for about 10 minutes while walking can burn 100 turns body heat . You can do this exercise regularly every 3 days once in order to obtain maximum results .

2 . Playing Jump Rope .
With a jump rope exercise for about an hour can burn 730 calories turns on the body . For those of you who are beginners , simply do this exercise jumping rope for about 15 minutes, and to obtain the maximum results you can add time intervals , eg you can only do 20 minutes .

3 . Run- Run .
By exercising a small run for 30 minutes it can burn as much as 374 calories our body . Well you can do this exercise regularly every day to get maximum results . But you do not push yourself , if you 're feeling tired then Take a break .

Now that's some tips and a quick and natural way to shrink belly fat and some kinds of sports that are also potentially help you to shrink the stomach . Of combining the tips above you can with regular exercise every day . That would add to the maximum and satisfactory results . Have a discussion about how to shrink belly fat quickly and naturally this time could be beneficial to you .

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