Vaginal Disease That Must You Know

Do not underestimate the vaginal disease . If you are suspected of having the disease problems associated with femininity whether the irregular menstrual periods , hormonal problems or disease caused by sexual contact ( STD ) , you should always consult a doctor .

It is important to know the symptoms caused and also to get information about sexual health issues that many women face , how to prevent it and how to protect themselves .

Because there is still a stigma about sexual health , many women avoid going to the doctor when this avoidance can seriously affect health , including fertility .

Here are some common diseases that women face and how to ensure the health of the female stay healthy :

Human papillomavirus ( HPV ) is one of a viral infection caused by the most common sexual intercourse . Most of these diseases are not so dangerous but if it does not seem normal Pap test , the doctor will suggest a test lab .

How to know HPV is the cervical smear or sexual health screening . Be sure to check regularly at least once every three years . Quit smoking because studies have found a relationship between smoking and cancer of the vulva and use condoms .

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease ( PID ) affects one in 10 women and if left unchecked will cause infertility . Symptoms that may arise hip pain during sexual intercourse , irregular bleeding or change in vaginal odor . See a doctor immediately if you find the symptoms . This disease can be easily cured with antibiotics .

Efforts to prevent PID is to do safe sex and regularly checked . Sometimes the symptoms are not so obvious until it is too late .

Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common vaginal infection among women age birth . The disease is often considered only because of symptoms of infection are very common with common infections .
Symptoms of an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina , including itching , fishy aroma and changes in the vagina . Do not let these symptoms and believe to be examined and treated properly .

If left unchecked , this will increase the risk of developing into a PID

Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Caused by bacteria . Infection begins a few days to several weeks after sexual intercourse with a person who contracted the disease
In men , it causes a fluid of male genitalia . Urination can feel pain . These symptoms may feel heavy or not felt at all .
The symptoms of gonorrhea in women are usually very mild or not felt at all , but if left untreated the disease can be severe and cause infertility
This disease can be cured with antibiotics if treated early
Caused by a virus , treatable but not curable
Symptoms appear between 3 to 10 days after having sex with this disease
Initial symptoms appear as blisters which then opens into a small hole and watering .
Within 5 to 10 days the symptoms disappear
The virus can persist in the body and when something arises again , and sometimes frequent
Women often do not realize that he was suffering from herpes blisters akrena occurs in the vagina
Caused by the fungus
Causing red irritation under the skin of a man who is not circumcised
In women going out of thick white fluid that cause itching
Can be treated with antifungal creams
Caused by bacteria . The lesions appeared between 3 weeks to 3 months after having sex with this disease
The wound looks like a hole in the skin with a higher edge . In general, no pain
The wound will disappear after a few weeks , but the virus will persist in the body and disease can appear in the form of blisters on blisters all over the body will be lost as well , and the virus will attack another part of the body
Syphilis can be cured with penicillin at each stage
In women lesions can be hidden in the vagina
Infections of the vagina that usually causes vaginal discharge that smells and cause discomfort
Caused by various types of bacteria ( bacteria gonorrhea , chlamydia ) or fungal
It can also be caused by a variety of harmless bacteria that are settled in the vagina
Can be investigated by examining the vaginal fluid with a microscope
Generally can be cured with proper medication according to the cause .
Ulcers on the genitals
Caused by a virus ( Human Papilloma Virus or HPV )
It comes in the form of one or more sores or lumps between a month to a year after having sex with the disease
Generally can not be seen in women because it is located inside the vagina , or in men because it is too small . Can be tested with a layer of vinegar
Can have serious repercussions on women because it can cause cervical cancer
Genital ulcers can be cured , a woman should have a pap smear every time change intimate partner
Very small ( less than or equal to 1/8 inch ) , brownish gray colored , settled on pubic hair .
Can be cured with a liquid medicine that you rub on pubic hair
Similar to genital lice , but its smaller size and settling under the skin
Causing small wounds and itching all over the body
Treated with liquid medicine rubbed all over the body
Clothing, bedding and towels should be washed after treatment , because lice can live on fabrics stretcher
AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ) / HIV DISEASE
Diseases caused the most serious intimate relationship , causing no operation of the immune system
No real symptoms without blood research
Can cause death after ten years after infection with the HIV virus , but treatment has been found
Spread through sexual intercourse and sharing needles simultaneously.

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