How To Lose Weight Realistically

For some people, having the ideal weight may be only imaginary. But it should not be. Although it is not easy lose weight can still be done. Then how to realistically achieve the desired weight? Basically, weight depends on the intake of calories in and how much calorie expenditure of activities of the body. The ideal weight will be achieved if your calorie intake according to the energy expended by the body. Meanwhile, to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories and increase physical activity to burn calories.

When you try to lose weight, it seems like there are a series of never-ending temptation to disturb your diet program. The temptation came from outside the house, and do not stop until you've got at home. Sitting on the sofa at night, can lead to bad habits such as lazing. So, if you want your weight loss program successfully, note also the habit of afternoon and evening. Here is a realistic way to lose weight.

Setting goals clearly
Make changes and discipline, is the key to weight loss. Let's learn how to lose weight. The first step is to create a weight loss plan with a realistic time frame. For example you are targeting to lose 4 kg for 1-2 months. After successfully reaching the target, then you create the next target. Then, start making a plan of action on the plan. For example, you start to reduce the habit of eating desserts, such as cakes sweet. If you usually eat foods that every day, then change to only be two or three times per week. Start making three change action plan. If you've reached, then you can add to it. The point is to make healthy changes that you can apply later.

The next step is to pay attention every food you eat. If necessary, you can write it in a journal. Write everything you eat and drink for one week. You can more easily find out anytime you overeat or eat a snack more than usual. Consult a nutritionist or doctor will also be easier to use the notebook.

Regular mealtime
Eat regularly and do not skip meals, it is very important during the process of losing weight. For irregular eating will make you more hungry and tend to overeat. Some of the food was suggested as a way to lose weight, among others:

  • Various fruits and vegetables at least 5 servings a day or ideally 7-9 servings. You can take them into snack between meals.
  • Choose carbohydrates such as bread, rice, cereals, potatoes and pasta, as a third of the size of the meal. The best type is made from whole grains.
  • Choose low-fat sources of protein, such as fish. Eat fish 2-3 times a week. Some types that you can choose is, salmon, tuna and mackerel. Another option is eggs, meat, poultry, low fat dairy products, lean meats, and nuts.

Conversely, there are some foods you should avoid during weight loss:
  • Limit meat with fat, cheese, butter, milk, fried foods and so on. Choose which have a lower calorie content, such as chicken breast meat, low-fat milk, and foods baked or roasted.
  • Avoid salty foods or added salt on food.
  • Chocolate, biscuits, cakes and other sweet foods and drinks should be avoided.
  • High-fat foods, such as fast foods, should only be consumed on a limited basis.
Moving more active
Life in modern times with ease, often makes us more and more eating and drinking, but less active. For example, private vehicles are widely used urban communities, made walking increasingly rare. Increasing physical activity, becoming one of the things that need to be done in the weight loss process. Portion of time required will depend on your age.

To obtain the benefits of exercise, adults aged 19-64 years, recommended doing aerobic activity such as walking or cycling around 150 minutes per week. This portion could certainly be increased gradually if you intend to lose weight. If you have a specific health condition, you should consult your doctor before starting to exercise. Ask for the best advice on the type and serving time is right for you.

What is the ideal weight loss per week?
Obtain quick results when you lose weight become the hope of many people, but it is not recommended because of the risk of health problems. It also affects the stability of body weight in the long term. Safe weight loss, about 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week. Try not to exceed these ranges in each week.
Some of the health risks in the process of weight loss is too much and too fast, such as fatigue, feeling unwell, malnourished and gallstones. Weight loss plan is very important grounded with strong motivation. Some of the benefits of weight loss, among others, can increase the vitality of the body, while reducing the risk of disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, relieve pain, and movement to patients with osteoarthritis.
Losing weight should not be done quickly and drastically. For best results, start changing your eating patterns become more healthy, and increased physical activity. Consult your doctor or medical expert to get weight loss advice that is ideal for you.

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