Signs Of Miscarriage That Should Be Aware, Know The Exact Symptoms

Fetal death rate due to miscarriage is high, ranging from 1 to 2 out of 10 pregnant women. Keep in mind for every pregnant woman that there are different forms of the signs of miscarriage, but do not be misunderstood, because not all of them lead to the death of the fetus in the womb.

What is miscarriage?
Miscarriage is the death of the fetus before the pregnancy reaches 20 weeks. Miscarriage in medical language is called spontaneous abortion. Bleeding and abdominal pain are the main signs of miscarriage. However, if it happens, do not necessarily indicate fetal death. The circumstances in which the fetus and the pregnancy can still be maintained even though there are signs of a miscarriage that occurs is called 'threatened miscarriage' or abortus iminen (threatened abortion).

This is one of the problems in pregnancy are the most feared by pregnant women. The possibility of miscarriage is higher than expected for most people. Miscarriages can occur in approximately 1-2 people from 10 pregnant women were aware of her pregnancy. It is estimated that about 8 out of 10 cases of miscarriages occur in the first three months of pregnancy. Knowing the symptoms of a miscarriage is important for pregnant women and their partners.

The primary symptom should be aware of is, the appearance of bleeding or spotting is usually accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen. In addition to bleeding and cramping, miscarriage symptoms include discharge or other tissues (blood clot) from the vagina. Light bleeding is quite common in the first three months of pregnancy. Not all light bleeding during pregnancy, means miscarriage. However, as a step to be cautious, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately if you experience it.

Miscarriage causes & triggers

Although the exact cause is not known, experts estimate there are about 70 percent of miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the baby. Deficiency, excess or chromosomal abnormality may result in the fetus can not develop properly. Miscarriages that occur in older gestational age, ie over three months, usually caused by disease or maternal health conditions that are less good.

Genetic disorders in embryos is often considered a major factor in miscarriage. Genetic disorders make normal for babies to grow stunted and unable to survive. This genetic problem itself is generally pure occur in the embryo and not from the genetic mother.

While the causes of miscarriage in the second trimester is usually caused by a medical condition of the mother. Some medical conditions can also increase the risk of miscarriage. Diabetes and thyroid disease in pregnant women are two diseases that may increase the risk of miscarriage.

Infection in babies can also cause miscarriage in the second trimester. These infections will lead to rupture or bleeding. Miscarriage can also be caused by the opening of the cervix that is too fast, but this is very rare.

In addition to the above conditions, some items which could increase the risk of miscarriage include:
  • The mother's age: The risk of miscarriage increases with maternal age aging.
  • The influence of the mother's health problems: for example, because there is a problem with the placenta, have the structure of an abnormal uterus, the cervix is weak, or suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Long-term disease (chronic): eg, severe hypertension, kidney disorders, lupus, or diabetes.
  • The influence of certain infections: such as malaria, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis.
  • Consumption of drugs is a bad side effects on the fetus, such as retinoids and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal.
  • Smoking, drinking and using illegal drugs.
  • Excessive caffeine consumption.
  • Over or underweight.
A miscarriage can also occur when the fetus grows outside the uterus. This condition is known as ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy can be life-threatening because of the risk of rupture and cause bleeding. The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy is not menstruation, severe abdominal pain and do not heal, bleeding or spotting from the vagina, pain in the shoulder, headache, and dizziness.

What is the miscarriage symptoms?

Some of the signs or symptoms of miscarriage below should be known to the expectant mother. This knowledge is important so that when the signs appear miscarriage, the mother can immediately ask for medical help.
  • Bleeding: Signs of miscarriage should know first is bleeding. Bleeding is considered as a major sign of miscarriage, because it affects approximately 3 out of 10 pregnant women who had a miscarriage. But not all the bleeding will end in miscarriage. If a pregnant woman who is bleeding immediately get medical help, the chances of miscarriage can be prevented.

  • Pain: If the pain accompanied by bleeding, it should be wary as a sign of miscarriage. Parts of the body are attacked are usually the pelvis, abdomen, and lower back with pain like menstrual cramps. The pain is difficult to distinguish from cramps during early pregnancy by the expansion of the uterus.

  • Decreased movement of the baby: Activities of the baby is a sign of the baby's health in general. By watching the activity, the pregnant mother can monitor how things have progressed. Consult a physician if pregnant women feel their baby's movements decrease.

  • Changes pregnancy symptoms: The change of symptoms of pregnancy, not miscarriage signs are common. However, if there are changes drastically, then it needs to be aware. In the second trimester of pregnancy, these changes may be related to the degradation of the hormones of pregnancy.

  • The release of tissue or fluid from the vagina: Blood clot and the fetus is still in the form of tissue, could have been out of the vagina. If there is a tissue out of the vagina, then consult a physician to be analyzed in order to know the actual condition.
Please note that bleeding in the first trimester is not always associated with miscarriage. Many pregnant women who experienced it but still can give birth to their baby. On the condition of 'threatened miscarriage', pregnant women should do bed rest and avoid sexual intercourse that miscarriage does not occur.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of miscarriage, also dismissed the mistaken views about the causes of miscarriage. Stress, exercise, work, spicy food, traveling by plane and having sex is not associated with increased risk of miscarriage.

Miscarriage diagnosis

Besides asking the symptoms and examine your physical condition, the doctor also may recommend an ultrasound and / or blood tests. Both of these tests are used to determine whether you have a miscarriage or not. Ultrasound examinations aim to check the heart rate and fetal development. While the blood test used to check the levels of beta HCG hormone associated with pregnancy.

If the patient has a history of miscarriage a couple of times, there may be other medical factors that could be the cause. The types of checks that are usually recommended by doctors for patients and their partners is:
  • Transvaginal ultrasound examination: This type of ultrasound used in this examination a little different because it uses three-dimensional imaging. This examination aims to examine whether there are abnormalities in the structure of the uterus and cervix.

  • Examination of the gene to see if there is an abnormality in the chromosomes of the patients and / or their partners.

  • Blood tests to check for the presence and antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) and LH hormone levels. Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) can increase the risk of blood clots.

Treatment for miscarriage

After confirming the diagnosis of miscarriage, you may choose to wait until the entire network out naturally from the uterus. However, this process could take about 3-4 weeks so that it can lead to emotional distress, especially for the mother. Therefore, doctors usually tend recommends treatment with drugs or surgery. The use of drugs can be done in two ways, namely drinking or drug tablet inserted into the vagina. These drugs will generally take effect within 24 hours so as to accelerate the process of spending the rest of the tissue from the uterus.

The method of operation is the curettage procedure. This small operation done by dilating the cervix and using a curette to remove tissue from the uterus. Operations need to be done immediately if the patient experiences severe bleeding or there are symptoms of infection. This procedure has a risk because it can injure the cervix and uterine lining tissue.

How to prevent miscarriage

Because the cause is not known with certainty, miscarriages are also generally can not be prevented. There are some things you can do to reduce the risk of miscarriage, namely:
  • Applying a healthy and balanced diet, especially to increase fiber consumption.
  • No smoking, consuming alcohol, and using illegal drugs.
  • Avoiding infections may occur, for example, with screened for sexually transmitted diseases and treating them until cured before pregnancy.
  • Maintain a healthy weight before and during pregnancy.
For a miscarriage cause that can be handled, for example, cervical muscles are weak, should be addressed immediately. For example, a weak cervix can be performed surgery to tighten the muscles of the cervix so it can reduce the risk of miscarriage. If the prospective mother is suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, should be treated and controlled well before pregnancy.

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