Identify Baby Diarrhea To Prevent Dangerous Risks

Baby diarrhea tend to be in a situation that is more at risk of complications, compared to adults who are experiencing diarrhea. Baby diarrhea can become dehydrated quickly, even within two hours after the diarrhea starts. This condition can be very dangerous, especially in newborns.

Newborns, especially breastfed, indeed secrete watery stool compared to formula-fed infants. This makes the mother is sometimes confused determine whether the stool is normal or not. Feces normal for breastfed babies are generally yellowish, soft texture, and liquid. Although it is not always like that, newborns who are fed breast milk can defecate up to five times a day. Sometimes it is because the stomach is full, breastfeeding stimulates the digestive tract so that the baby will defecate after feeding.

When they passed the age of one month, the baby can defecate as much as one to two times per day. While baby who consume formula, only defecate once a day with stools harder and smelled.

Sometimes the mother is difficult to distinguish whether the baby has diarrhea or simply defecate softer than usual. Suspect your baby has diarrhea, if changes the frequency of bowel movements a baby suddenly become much more frequent in large numbers with stools changed much softer or liquid than usual.

Identify Causes of Diarrhea in Baby

Diarrhea is a major cause of malnutrition in children under five in developing countries, due to water pollution and contamination of food. Rotavirus as a cause of gastroenteritis disease, is one of the main reasons infant diarrhea. Infection causes disruption on the inside of the baby's intestines so that the nutrients in the food are not absorbed completely and excessive discharge.

In addition, the baby can also be infected by bacteria, parasites, and viruses from dirty things around or on the floor when they enter a dirty hand to mouth. Baby diarrhea can also be caused by allergies, formula milk which is not processed properly, food poisoning, flu, antibiotic consumption, as well as enzyme deficiency.

Baby diarrhea can lose a lot of water and electrolytes from the body. This is what can lead to dehydration. Signs baby is dehydrated can be recognized from their sunken eyes, looked weak, looked thirsty and drank voraciously, as well as the baby becomes restless or fussy.

In severe dehydration, the baby may look sleepy because of decreased awareness, hands and feet become cold, and breathing becomes rapid. If not treated quickly and appropriately, dehydration can lead to brain damage, even death.

Preventing dehydration in baby diarrhea

Identify the main symptoms that indicate infant diarrhea, ie if the baby is constantly issuing liquid stools or stools with blood or mucus. Fever and vomiting may also participate. Immediately do the following if your baby has one or more of the above symptoms.
  • To prevent dehydration, make sure they consume enough fluids.

  • Avoid giving them sugar water, fruit juices and soft drinks. Unabsorbed sugar can cause more fluid into the intestine, thus aggravating the condition of diarrhea.

  • Avoid giving antidiarrheal drugs in baby, because these drugs can cause serious side effects. Drugs of this type began to be intended for children aged 12 years and over.

  • It is advisable to put the baby diarrhea, to rest in a place separate from their friends. Suggested up to two days after the diarrhea stops to prevent transmission.

  • Stay give solid foods when your baby is six months old upwards. You can try to give rice, banana, apple puree, dried bread, pasta or mashed potatoes. But avoiding solid food if they are vomiting constantly. Note also that, not a problem if they do not want to eat. Give just enough fluids to prevent dehydration.

As a precautionary measure, as much as possible, give breast milk rather than formula. Babies who are fed breast milk tend to be less at risk of diarrhea due to certain content in breast milk was found to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause diarrhea.

In addition, cleanliness is key to prevent baby diarrhea. Always wash your hands before preparing food and before interacting with the baby, especially after you pee. Therefore, wash your own hands every time after changing their diapers, to avoid the spread of bacteria to other family members. Also make sure your baby has to be vaccinated against rotavirus infection causes diarrhea. Rotavirus vaccination is generally given first time when a baby aged 6-14 weeks, then the second after 4-8 weeks from the first administration.

No need to panic, because the general condition of the baby diarrhea can subside on its own. However, immediately consult a doctor if the condition of diarrhea got worse, especially if there are signs to dehydration, such as diapers drier than usual, lethargic, do not want to drink, no tears came out while crying, skin or dry lips, hand and legs skin that look pale, and urine is dark yellow. Also consult a doctor if there is fever and or vomiting for more than 24 hours, there is blood in the stool, and abdominal bloating.

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