Ringworm, Skin Wounds that resembles Ring

You'll often hear the term 'ringworm' and 'ringworm'. Yes, this term usually appears in healthcare advertising and is usually combined with other types of skin diseases, such as water fleas. Ringworm and scabies is a skin disease that is similar, but usually people have called 'ringworm' alone. However, if you already know more about the disease? If not, see the following explanation:


As reported MayoClinic and WebMD, Wednesday (24/07/2013), ringworm is a type of skin disease caused by a fungal infection dermatophyte in which the fungus lives on dead tissue in some parts of your body and can thrive in warm and humid areas ,

Ringworm is also called ringworm because of ringworm will form a circular wound on the skin that looks like a ring. However, there is no worm in this disease. The wound is red, scaly, itchy, sometimes blisters, discharge, and over time the wound may spread.

Ringworm is not only attacking the body only (tinea corporis), but can affect other body parts, such as:

  • Scalp (tinea capitis)

This type of ringworm can affect anyone, both children and adults. Exposed scalp ringworm usually is not covered with fur and round, as there are patches on the head.

  • Foot (Tinea Pedis)

If you have a fungal infection of the feet, maybe this will cause inflammation of the tissue in the foot, especially in the area between the fourth and fifth toes. You will be flushed skin, itching, and burning.

  • Groin (tinea cruris)

This type of ringworm is more experienced by men. This is because you are a lot of sweat and leather crotch you often experience friction when using tight clothes. As a result, the skin becomes reddish brown groin and may extend into the folds of the groin down or even to the thighs.

  • Beard (Tinea barbae)

This type of ringworm you will experience on the beard hairs that are usually covered by the so-called beard. If you are having ringworm beard, the hairs that grow will fall out and skin swelling and hardening.

  • Face (Tinea Faciei)

Forms of ringworm that arise on the face usually does not ring, but only to form red sores, scaly, and the outline of the wound is irregular.

  • Hand (Tinea Manus)

This is a common companion of ringworm of the foot (tinea pedis). When you have ringworm of the hands and feet, it is termed tinea manuum. Normally, the fungus will infect any part of the palms and the spaces between your fingers. As a result, you experience a skin thickening (hyperkeratosis).

  • Nails (Tinea unguium)

If you often use fake nails, be careful. Therefore, artificial nails can be an intermediary for the fungus causing ringworm of the nails. If you wear false nails, water can be collected under false nails so that it creates a moist area and allow the fungus to grow. This will cause your nails thickened, opaque, yellow, and brittle.

Anyone can develop the disease, but there are several factors that can increase your risk of having ringworm:

  • Skin spend a lot of sweat
  • Frequent use of tight clothing
  • Have a weakened immune system
  • Often share items (clothing, bedding, towels, etc.) with people who have been infected with the fungus
  • Live in damp
  • Doing activities that involve direct contact with people who have been infected with the virus


Signs of ringworm, among others:

  • There are red sores on the skin that resembles a circular ring shape. The red circle is inflamed skin, while the central part of healthy looking skin as usual
  • Scaly and itchy skin


As has been explained previously that arise due to ringworm infection dermatophyte fungi that grow and thrive in humid areas. In addition, if you are already clean skin, you can still get this disease, because this fungal infection can be spread, for example:

  • Human-to-human

Ringworm can be spread when you make direct contact with an infected person dermatophyte fungi, for example when you do a skin to skin contact with an infected person.

  • Animals to humans

Ringworm is one type of zoonotic diseases, ie diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Cats are one of the animals most often experience ringworm. If you touch it, you can be infected and experiencing ringworm.

  • Objects to humans

When you touch items that have been touched by people who have ringworm, you can be infected with the virus.

  • Ground to humans

This case is rare, but it can be ground intermediaries for distributing the virus that causes ringworm. This can happen when you hit the ground in a long time.


To be able to know whether you have ringworm or not, a doctor will take a sample of your skin by using skin scrapings and then examined under a microscope. This type of examination is called the hydroxide (KOH) test potassium.

If the test results indicate the presence of a fungal infection in your skin means you are positive for ringworm. There are two levels of ringworm, which is mild and severe ringworm. When ringworm is still relatively light, you simply apply a topical drug (lotions, creams, or ointments) antifungal, such as clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF), miconazole (Micatin, Micaderm), terbinafine (Lamisil AT), and tolnaftate (Tinactin). However, if you have severe ringworm, usually antifungal drugs that can not heal the wound. Thus, the doctor will give any other topical medications, such as butenafine (Mentax), ciclopirox (Loprox), econazole, clotrimazole (Mycelex) and terbinafine (Lamisil). In addition, your doctor may prescribe oral (pill), as griseofulvin (Grifulvin V), itraconazole (Sporanox), fluconazole (Diflucan) and terbinafine (Lamisil) to accelerate healing.

When you are going to use oral medication, you should wash the wound first and then dried. After that, then you apply the cream once or twice a day for approximately two weeks. You can apply the cream is one inch beyond the edges of the wound so that the treatment can give a better effect. Whereas, for the oral medication, you may experience some sort of side effects, such as indigestion, rash, abnormal liver function, the effectiveness of warfarin change, and reduced blood clotting ability.

It is difficult to prevent all diseases, including this disease. However, you can reduce your risk of contracting ringworm and by doing a few things as follows:

  • Always keep cleaning

You are encouraged to wash hands frequently to avoid spreading the infection.

  • Do not share personal items

Stop the habit of sharing things with others, for example, share the use of clothes, towels, combs, or other personal items. Therefore, it can help spread the virus that causes ringworm infection.

  • Keep the body condition

Do not wear tight clothing that can make your body feel hot and sweat. It can make your skin feel moist. Take care of your body so that not too much sweat.

Avoid contact with people or even animals that have been infected with the virus that causes ringworm.

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