Sometimes Penis Bumps May Be Hives

Sometimes Penis Bumps May Be Hives

When a man does a major disrobe as well as also presents his manhood to a partner - especially a brand new partner - the last thing he wants to worry about are unsightly penis bumps. He wants his partner to respond having a delighted "Oooooh!" rather than a displeased "Eww!" Certainly paying close attention to adequate penis health can help prevent penis bumps, although knowing the cause of the condition can be necessary for treatment. In some cases, those penis bumps may be classified as hives.

What are hives?

Often when people think of hives, they think of the item in a metaphorical way, as when someone says "which scary scene inside the movie actually gave me hives!" although just what are hives, anyway?

Hives are a dermatological issue which present as "welts" on the skin. These welts may be of any size as well as also may or may not be raised as well as also bump-like; sometimes they have a somewhat "crusted" appearance, like a scab. These circular marks are red or pink as well as also they have a tendency to itch. Their medical name can be urticaria, although they are also known as a nettle rash.

Urticaria can be a superficial condition, meaning the item occurs on top of the skin. If the swelling occurs underneath the skin, the item can be referred to as angioedema.

An individual hive carries a short "life span," usually disappearing in 24 hours or so - although the item often can be replaced by a brand new one inside the same general area. The welts often appear in clusters. In an acute case of hives, they may appear as well as also disappear continuously for up to six weeks. Cases which last longer than six weeks are considered chronic hives.

Hives are quite common; an estimated one in all 5 people will contract hives in its acute form at some time in their lives.

What causes them?

There can be many different "triggers" for an outbreak of hives. In general, the item's easier to determine the cause of acute hives; sometimes the item can be impossible to determine why a person has chronic hives.

Among the causes commonly associated with acute hives cases are:

- Food allergies. Some people develop hives coming from specific foods. Common culprits include fruits (with an emphasis on citrus varieties), nuts, berries, eggs, shellfish as well as also milk.

- Insect bites.

- Latex (which can have a definite impact on penis bumps when a latex condom can be employed during sex).

- Chemical contact.

- Prolonged exposure to sunlight.

- Medications (especially those for high blood pressure, heart issues, anxiety or inflammation).

As mentioned, determining the cause of chronic hives can be often more difficult. Some factors often responsible with This kind of condition include stress, exercise, heat, as well as also in some cases, pregnancy.


The most common treatment for hives can be antihistamines, although these do not so much treat the disorder itself as help to relieve the itching associated with the item. In some instances, a doctor may prescribe additional treatment, such as prednisone.

Penis bumps due to hives can result in a serious itching situation, one which antihistamines alone may not be able to adequately treat. the item may be beneficial to also regularly apply a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which can be clinically proven mild as well as also safe for skin) topically on the penis. Hives are accompanied by dry penis skin, so re-hydrating the skin will help to alleviate some of the desire to scratch as well. In order to properly moisturize the skin, the selected crème will need to possess a combination of hydrators, such as luxurious Shea butter as well as also natural vitamin E. A crème with pantothenic acid (popularly known as vitamin B5) can be also desirable; pantothenic acid aids skin cells in healing as well as also regrowth, which can produce healthier, more resistant penis skin.

Sometimes Penis Bumps May Be Hives

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